Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mental And Spiritual Raging War & 30 x 5

Hey guys, it been a pretty busy couple of days for me, both mentally and physically, so first let me go ahead and get my 30 x 5 update out of the way! It was a rough start, the first day was dreary and raining, but I think I did a pretty good job of improvising! I briskly walked through many errands and two different grocery store trips, one being wow-mart. Of course the wow-mart experience was to get something I forgot from the other store. The funny thing was, what I needed was at the very back of the store, so I parked as far as way from the door that was safe enough and powered walked the entire way. Joey was worn out and kept asking me why I was walking so fast and I told him it was a new form of exercise!! It worked, not to sure about it being an entire 30 minute work-out, but it was better than nothing!!

Yesterday was not good for me either! We are doing photo's for a new church directory, and the bad part is we stated taking pictures on a Wednesday (bad, bad). I got to work at 8:00 am and I left work last night at 9:45 pm, so again, no time to really exercise. But on a good side note, I am making healthy choices on the food end, so I feel that is a great accomplishment!!

Okay, for the not so good part, the raging war. I am really struggling mentally and spiritually right now. I know our God is so powerful that he could nip this thing right in the bud with satan, but my human me, is fighting for strength to keep my head above water right now. There is a battle, and my thoughts are not where they have been for the past couple of months and I CANNOT go back to where I was. It was so bad this morning that I woke my Hubby up before I left for work and had to tell him, "please let me tell you something I am thinking, and it's so unchristian of me to be thinking this, but I need to tell someone that will understand". Of course what I sad was so not kind, so I will spare you the details of my conversation with Hubby. The bad thing is I do not want these thoughts to drag me back to my depths of despair, and I refuse to let them! Please be in prayer for me and my terrible family situation. Above all please be in prayer for my Hubby and kids, especially my teenagers. This has been so incredibly hard on them and I worry so much for them. Thanks!!


sara said...

i am praying for you!!

Ron Simpson said...

prayer .. that we can do !

Meredith said...

I am so sorry Patrice! Praying for you and all the stuff going on!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I think we have the same week going on for the 30x5, seems hard to fit in walks this week so don't sweat it.

I am praying for ya'll, call me if you need to talk.

Kristi J said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog...Ok, so I'm trying to figure out "what" the 30X5 thing is you are talking about?? Praying you find peace in your mind..kristi

Miss Behavin said...

Love you!!!!!

Jeanette said...

Praying for you Patrice!

Do what ya can in the 30x5, it is better than nothing!

Greg C said...

I will pray for you too. I can only imagine what is going on in your life. Just remember what the song says. My Savior loves my Savior lives my savior's always there for me. And he's there for you too.

Darla said...

i will be praying for you. i am here in nashville now, i saw some exits to your town on my way to the airport tonite, :D i am so excited to meet you and the other bloggers! i will have even more new blog friends now. hehe. let me know what day is good for you guys and i will see what i can do accordingly. the showcase is tuesday night and the awards is thurs. night other than that i could prob. arrange it. even lunch. yay. food!