Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Day For Complaints

Ewwwww, am I ever feisty today and just need to vent a few steamy rants.
  • I hate the dentist. I do not like to have my teeth cleaned, because every six months they find something wrong. It can't be some little cavity, nooooooo, it has to be something major, like an infection or something. Yep, today I received bad news, and on top of it, DJ's wisdom teeth are compacted, so out they need to come! Great visit!
  • The general driving population gets on my nerves. Do you think that the human race could possibly merge into one lane traffic without causing a huge 2 mile long back up? Nope! Why on earth would Middle Tennessee Electric decide that they needed to do repair on eclectic wires during the morning rush hour anyways?
  • Would it kill you to smile while you work? I understand that being a checkout person at the grocery store can be daunting at times, but really, do you think pushing the buggy through your store looking at the overpriced food items is a picnic for us either. For goodness sakes, crack a smile and be cordial and exhibit some good customer service!
  • Could you keep your hands off our stuff? The kids/person that thinks it funny to vandalize our hot wire fence, beware. Really, you better think twice before you touch it again, we are getting ready to boobie trap it. You'll enjoy the ride!
  • You better be able to take what you dish out! Oh my goodness! If you can't handle the heat, you better quit telling it like it is in YOUR book. You are young, inexperienced and basically until you have walked the road of experience, SHUT UP! Take your thumb outta your mouth and quit pouting, life stinks, and when you throw those lemons, be prepared to catch 'em!

Okay, I feel some what better. Geeze, sometimes it is hard to keep your mouth shut all day and not tell people how you feel. Thanks goodness my bloggy friends are here to let me rant!!


Penny said...

Woo hoo!! That's right! You rant all you want! ;)

sara said...

you go girl!!! vent and rant away!! we are all nodding our heads in agreement as we read!!

H-Mama said...

you crack me up!

Darla said...

rant away sister, i feel ya on all of that. first off, my dental visits are always like what you described, always. second, while in tennesse, we noticed that the drivers were really aggressive, so i feel ya there too (hehe) and as far as the fence goes, i can't comment, but people that dish out stuff and can't take a teeny little bit of it back make me more frustrated than anything on earth. wow, now i feel better too. :D :D :D thanks for the counseling session. we're here anytime you need to vent.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Wow you had a lovely day. You should have called we could have ranted together, because I am on a roll.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

You go girl!! Remember that I love you and I'm your friend. heheh

Living to Love said...

Bunko will make it all better! Plus, you did good with your gold got a little better :o)

Holly said...

I hate the dentist too. :/

I also now what you mean about the unreasonably cranky people in supermarkets. :(

Ron Simpson said...

that reminds me .. one of my favorite bumper stickers i have ever seen said: Why am I the only person on the planet that knows how to drive?!?!?

Anonymous said...

You and mom need some zanex. hahahahahaha.
Hope today is better than yesterday!

Jeanette said...

People who can't drive is my #1 complaint. Really, we can't drive the speed limit? To top it off, people who purchase a vehicle with a V6 engine and then can't get their rear in gear.

This morning after dropping the kids off at school I got behind a lady that slowed way down and veered off the road every time a bus went by. WHAT??? She looked like a drunk driver.

Love your rants - I feel like we were living the same day in two different places. Except that I enjoy going to the dentist - I'm weird that way :}