Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Taking The Challenge, Again....

First let me explain why the first 30 x 5 challenge was a no go for me. I did actually put in one day! Woo Hoo! I know, sad, but true! But in my defense, I do have a great excuse, it's called my failing gallbladder. It did decide to become non-functioning during this process followed by my gallbladder surgery. During this said time of the 30 x 5 challenge, I could not stand up straight, much less walk a great distance! I do accept the lazy cat award though...he he, too cute!!

But also I am taking the bull by the horns this time, Linda!

Yep, not only did y'all go on without me, but you had to go and rub it my face and add another challenge with "extras"! Now I have to catch up, with an additional task, geeze! Oh well, I'm in, again!!


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I am so encouraged that you are in. Now, Patrice, do not get all legalistic about this--Just do what you feel like doing. This is a "gentle" project. The point is to stay faithful, whatever that means. The point is just to keep at it. So we'll just encourage each other. Un-cha!

sara said...

I'm in too!

Darla said...

oh i wish i had even a little bit of motivation! good luck sister, i get anxious just thinking about it. hehe.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Oh goody you signed up too. I will be your encourager if you do the same for me. I am not liking the whole cut out a 100 calorie snack like all my Easter candy. Ughh...not fair.

H-Mama said...

You go girl! (but take it easy) Proud of you! :)

Skoots1moM said...

way 2 go! i hope you're feeling better...gall bladders can be such a pain, literally!!

Greg C said...

You have something else this time BFF. I am doing it with you just for moral support. We can do it.

Beverlydru said...

I'm happy to know you are feeling well enough to get up and get movin'... wouldnt' it be awesome if we could do a real class together with the bloggy bunch. What fun that would be.

Greg C said...

Ok girlfriend, time to get up and exercise. Get those workout clothes on and hit the gym. That's an order.