Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Will Survive!

I will have to say it's been a tough couple of weeks and a few hard days, but this morning I am almost able to stand up-right! Yay! Fingers crossed, tomorrow will be the day!!

In true fashion, I cried my way into surgery and came out crying, according to Hubby and Joey. No complications and after I woke up and did all the wonderful things that you must do to be released, they indeed, released me. It's been a few uneventful days, lots of naps and plenty of lifetime TV!

Thanks for all the prayers, I appreciate them so much! I am looking forward to getting back to normal and feeling good again....can't wait!

When I listen to this song I think of my gallbladder!! Ahaha!


Annette said...

So glad you came out through like a champ. Glad you are feeling better this moring. Luvvies!!!!

sara said...

so glad it went well!! but I suggest staying down a while and getting a little more pampering! :) you don't get these chances too often!

Love your new look!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Glad your feeling better. Love the video..ahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Hey there . . . glad to hear you are feeling better! Isn't the whole being put under thing weird?!

Don't try to take things too fast. Take plenty of time to recover!

Darla said...

glad you are home and feeling better. i love that song 'i will survive' i just never thought of it in the gallbladder way. you're so clever. hehe. hang in there and it will be no time at all before life is back into full swing. rest.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

I've miss you so much. So glad that you are on the road to recovery. ;)