Sunday, February 28, 2010

90 Day Bible Journey, Week 5

Two men dressed in pilot’s uniforms walk up the aisle of the plane.  Both are wearing dark glasses, one is using a guide dog and the other is tapping his way along the aisle with a cane.  At the cockpit, the door closes and the engines start up.  The passengers begin glancing nervously around, searching for some sign that this is just a practical joke.

The place moves faster and faster down the runway and the people sitting in the window seats realize they are heading straight for the water at the edge of the airport.  As it begins to look as though the plane will crash into the water, panicked screams fill the cabin.

Just at that moment, the plane lifts smoothly into the air.  The passengers relax and laugh sheepishly and soon all retreat into their magazines, secure in the knowledge that the plane is in good hands.

In the cockpit, one of the pilots turns to the other and says, “You know, Bob, one of these days, they’re gonna scream too late and we’re all gonna die.”

Let’s do a quick overview, shall we?  In our readings last week:

  • David becomes king over Israel & Judah.  As much as David is “God’s man,” even he falls short.  Although, he does suffer the consequences for his failures, his faith in God remains constant.
  • The reign of Solomon is a time that Israel is enjoying wealth and recognition, but even with Solomon at the reigns as the world’s wisest man, he is corrupted by worldly matters and the faiths of his wives and concubines.  At Solomon's death the kingdom becomes divided.
  • Within our readings of  2 Kings, we continues to read the account of the kings of the divided kingdom through the fall of Jerusalem.

Did you get the feeling that many of the kings (pilots) were blind?  Why do you think that God allowed them to be the “pilots”?

We’ve all seen the bumper sticker that says “If God is your copilot, switch seats.”  Without discussing specific political views or parties, what might happen if our political leaders took this advice?

Was there an “A-ha” moment triggered by your readings this week that you can immediately apply to your life?

We are all sinners and we all fall short.  It is so reassuring to see the grace that God demonstrates toward humanity when we fail.  It is also very sobering to realize that there are often consequences in the midst of grace.  Are you more focused on God being a God of Grace or a God of consequences at this point in your reading?

Before I give you this weeks verses, I have to tell you during this week, we will be past the half way point in the Old Testament!!!  Congratulations and enjoy this accomplishment!!

I will say that in this point of my reading of the Bible, I find myself more focused on a God of consequences…I will explain further tomorrow and also answer the above questions, as it is nearing 11pm and I have quite the early morning that is quickly approaching at lightening speed!! 

One more thing, I am very proud of you!  Reading the Bible in 90 days is not an easy task.  I will say, the accountability for me, knowing that you are out there reading along with me, has made all the difference!!  I might not be doing as well as I am doing if not for you!!  If you are behind, don't fret!!  Set aside extra time this week to catch up.  I’ll be praying for all of you as we continue this journey together!

Finally, here are this weeks verses:

Monday:  1 Chronicles 1:1 through 1 Chronicles 9:44

Tuesday:  1 Chronicles 10:1 through 1 Chronicles 23:32

Wednesday:  1 Chronicles 24:1 through 2 Chronicles 7:10

Thursday:  2 Chronicles 7:11 through 2 Chronicles 23:15

Friday:  2 Chronicles 23:16 through 2 Chronicles 35:15

Saturday:  2 Chronicles 35:16 through  Ezra 10:44

Sunday:  Nehemiah 1:1  through Nehemiah 13:14

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

High-Tech Rednecks

What do you get with one of these…

and a few of these…

and a roll of this….

You get this….


Redneck weenie roaster!

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Bradley was so proud!


Higgins is very excited at the possibilities of a weenie falling to the floor…


For those of us who do not like weenies….s’mores!


Sweet yummy gooeyness!!  Do you see a trend with Higgins?  We felt sorry for him so he received a roasted weenie as well!  Such a lucky pooch!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

90 Day Bible Journey, Week 4

So how is it going?  Are you hanging in there, pretty much on schedule and reading daily??  If so that’s good…if not, keep it up and try to read a few extra pages day until you can catch up.  I feel that it is most important to make it through the Bible, entirely, than to do it in 90 days!  But, this is a 90 day journey and if you are like me, I want to make it in 90 days!  But if I don’t make it in 90 days and it takes me 120 days, so be it!  I want to accomplish reading the Bible…All The Way Through!!

I fell behind this week in my readings.  For me, reading the Bible in 90 days needs structure for me to make it through.  2 snow days and missing some work, I would of thought I would of had extra time to read and maybe get a little ahead.  Nope, I do better when our kids are on a schedule and me too.  The weather this week threw me off, and therefore, reading got behind.  I am not upset and have a plan in action to read just a few pages extra each night and I am setting aside a lunch hour to read an extra days worth this week. 

So if you fell behind this week or have fell behind and are back on schedule, how do/did you catch up?

How is your perception of the Bible changing as you are doing the daily readings?

What questions evolved from your reading this week?

I guess my main question with my reading this week, was  why so many times did Israel only followed God’s plans, a little bit, only particularly and never fully?  Miracle after miracle, sign after sign, warning after warning they still did not obey.  Hmm, I think I would of been sold in Egypt and would of followed his plans to a T!

Keep up the hard work!!  Hang in there and if you fell a little behind this week as I did and I will be praying for you!!  I will also be praying for those who didn’t fall behind!  As always, encourage those reading along with us.  I think that a little encouragement goes a long way!

Here are the verses for the week:

Monday:  1 Samuel 28:20 through 2 Samuel 12:10

Tuesday:  2 Samuel 12:11 through 2 Samuel 22:18

Wednesday:  2 Samuel 22:19 through 1 Kings 7:37

Thursday:  1 Kings 7:38 through 1 Kings 16:20

Friday:  1 Kings 16:21 through 2 Kings 4:37

Saturday:  2 Kings 4:38 through  2 Kings 15:26

Sunday:  2 Kings 15:27 through 2 Kings 25:30

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Remain Seated Until This Post Has Came To A Complete Stop

First, ya’ll it’s a BIG Woo to the Hoo today in Tennessee…50 degree weather….WooooHoooo!

Now buckle your seat belt for a wild ride of a post.  It will make sharp turns to the right, speed down hills at 90 miles an hour and then jerk you back the the left and finally come to a screeching halt!  Yep, I am going to cover lots of stuff!  HA!

I got nails!  No, not the kind you hit with a hammer, but the ones that make your hands all pretty!  See…

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Then I got crazy with the 50 degree weather and pretty nails and chopped my hair off….I mean completely off, like buzzed in the back, short.  It’s so short that my curls turned very tight and I was sporting a ‘fro by the time I got home. 

We got us a big ‘ol washing machine!  A Kenmore Oasis!  It’s got a big tub, and y’all and we have gone plumb crazy and have been washing everything…and I mean everything.  Hubby even made everyone take the clothes off their back so he could fill that sucker up!  We’re excited y’all!  Can you tell?

I am worn slap out from planning goat stuff for the Dominican.  There are so many unknowns and things to do, people to talk to and I seem to keep chasing my tail in a complete circle with not much to show for it.  Also the goats seem to be a little more to purchase than I anticipated.  They will be around $400 each.  I am exploring some fundraiser ideas to help us out…any ideas?

I won big at Bunco last night!  I’ve never won before and I am beside myself with joy!  I am ultra competitive and love a good clean win!  HA!

The garage was cleaned today, Higgins got a bath and I am out of paper towels and dishwasher detergent.  I hate that!  Being out of paper towels and dish detergent is what I hate, not the cleaned garage and Higgins smelling all wonderful, that I love!

I’m done, finally! 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Goat Ministry

I have been up since 3:30am and I laid in the bed, tossed and turned, prayed some and finally gave up and got up.  My mind is reeling with thoughts of our up-coming mission trip to the Dominican and I am discourage a bit, optimistic some, and totally confused on this calling.  I keep asking myself is this is a God thing or a Patrice thing.  I asked God to make this clear to me, make His presence known to me where I will not longer question this anymore and more forward.

For those who have followed my blog for  while, you will know of my prior mission trips to the Dominican Republic and last year while being there I felt a calling to start a goat ministry.  You can read about it here.  It would take a small army to get this up and going and I lack the confidence right now to see it come to fruition.  Each turn along the way has been an uphill battle from trying to get a hold of our contacts in the DR to finding quality goats in the DR.

Yesterday I finally got a hold of someone that I found in the Dominican and was again optimistic on this is going to happen.  Now I am awake in the middle of the night, not being able to see the forest for the trees.   There is so much to consider, from the cost of the goats to the long term care of the goats when we leave.  Not being there, able to talk with some in the community that we will be working with, not knowing the dedication of those that we will be teaching and then entrusting the care of goats to those there.  It leaves big questions and very little answers. 

Again, is this something that we should be embarking on?  I am very confused, again very discourage and am lacking direction on where to go from here.  I am asking for y’all to pray for me, for this ministry, the trip and direction.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Prison Laundry Room Would Of Been More Fun

Our washer quit spinning, bit the dust, sadly it’s being retired to washer heaven.  I think Hubby is done fixing it and since lately he does the laundry, has decided to retire it.  Even though I would love to spend the cash on something fun, I am not complaining, I hate doing laundry and since he is the Grand Puba of the laundry room, it’s his call.

After spending our morning at this lovely establishment, I am not going to argue with him…


I think prison laundry rooms are a step up from this joint.  Check these out and you’ll agree.  At one point in my picture taking this fella look at me like, “you take my picture and I will Kill You!”  I think he is on the run from the law.  The others in there were looking at me like I was crazy, so I quickly snap a few and quit.


After we sunk $4 bucks in this machine and it didn’t turn on, we opened it and then we really didn’t get our money back.  After that we saw this sign.


There is $30 some odd bucks rolling around there.


After sinking in over $30 bucks (we lost count after $32.75) and seven loads of laundry, I was a happy camper to be leaving.  I would not wish this on my worse enemy.  The up-side…it’s nice to wash seven loads of laundry in under an hour.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

90 Day Bible Journey, Week 3

Well, we are at the beginning of week three on our Journey…how are you doing? 

I have been hanging in there, I did get behind, but had a Bible reading marathon today (Sunday) and after tonight I hope be on schedule!

For those that do not have a participants guide, I want to share something out of that guide with you…

A young man asked God how long a millions years was to him.  God replied, “A million years to me is just like a single second in your time.”

Then the young man asked God what a million dollars was to him.  God replied, “A million dollars to me is just like a single penny to you.”

Then the young man got his courage up and asked, “God, could I have one of your pennies?”  God replied, “Certainly, just wait one second.”

God perceives time differently than we do.  Not only that, but God gives us time.  So as some of us struggle to read in our Bible daily, we may question whether we really have the time to read the Bible in 90 days.

For most of us, I suspect God’s answer to us would be, “Absolutely; I give you 24 hours each day.”  The question is not really whether or not we have the time, but how we choose to use it.

With that in mind, answer the following questions about your reading last week:

1. Are you reading the Bible instead of other things in your life or in addition to other things?

2.  If you are struggling with your  reading,  are there activities that you can replace with Bible reading rather than reading in addition to your current activities?  What activities can you eliminate?

3.  What advice can others reading with us give to those still trying to find their Bible reading rhythm?

I will tell you that I have replaced many activities that I normally do.  I am a huge TV and computer junkie and with reading my Bible in 90 days, I had to cut some of that out.  I have relied heavily on my DVR this week and some shows I have cut out all together.  Simply do not have the time.

I joke at work when we talk about what the shows that are watched the night before, that I didn't get to watch  “because I had to read my Bible!”  Priorities, I keep telling myself…I can do it!  If you are struggling, hang in there.  I also got behind and had a marathon of reading today.  Do what it takes to make the time.  You will be so proud of yourself when it’s all said and done!  You can do it!

Here are the verses for the week:

Monday:  Deuteronomy 23:12 through Deuteronomy 34:12

Tuesday:  Joshua 1:1 through Joshua 14:15

Wednesday:  Joshua 15:1 through Judges 3:27

Thursday:  Judges 3:28 through Judges 15:12

Friday:  Judges 15:13 through 1 Samuel 2:29

Saturday:  1 Samuel 2:30 through  1 Samuel 15:35

Sunday:  1 Samuel 16:1 through 1 Samuel 28:19

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I’m Alive, Really

Goodness, did y’all think I fell off the earth?  I have been so crazy busy and swamped that I barely have time to sleep!  I told y’all that I would post again on Tuesday with my answers to the 90 day challenge, but honestly with reading my Bible, working full time, trying to watch lost, go to church, the Bachelor (which I have not watched this week yet) and the big Survivor, Villains vs Heroes coming on tonight, I don’t have time.  I also forgot to mention that I am still a mom and a wife.

Here are my answers to the questions that I posted on Monday.  Surely, posting them on Thursday is really the same thing as posting them on Tuesday since they both start with a “T”, right?

Ahem, Anyhoo, hear I go…

1.  Have you tried to read the entire Bible before?  Why or why not?

Yes, many times, but I have never made it…not even close.

2.  If you have tried to read the Bible in its entirety, what challenges did you face in fulfilling your desire?  Where did you start?  If you did not finish, how far did you get?

I would start in Genesis and never quite make through Exodus.  My biggest challenge is I simply have not made it a priority.   I would get caught up in daily life, kids, TV and routine that by the end of the day, I was falling into bed, asleep before my head hit the pillow. 

3.  What have you found to be difficult and what have you found to be rewarding in your attempts to read the Bible in 90 days?

I think what is most rewarding is this time is my desire to read the Bible in it’s entirely.  Before, it was more of “this is what I should do” and this time I desire to read it.  I have made it as important as eating.   I am trying to also eat healthy so my motto has been good things in my mind, good things in my stomach.

4.  For those who may be struggling, what advice can you give to help encourage them to stick to the goal?

Do not let anything discourage you.  If you miss a day, it’s okay, you can catch up.  If you miss two days in a week, no sweat, read a few additional pages during the week.  You can do it, even if it takes longer than 90 days, you can do it!

5.  What excites you most about reading the entire Bible in 90 days?

I am not sure, I think I am just excited to learn more!  Also, to accomplish reading the entire Bible in 90 days, to know that I can do this, I can do anything.!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

90 Day Bible Journey, Week 2

 blessing amid chaos

We have made it through the first week, how did you do?  Was it challenging or easy-peezy, lemon squeezy?

I did fairly well my first week, yay!  I had a great start to the week, but my weakness is when Friday rolled around.  My Hubby had Friday and the weekend off so I need to adjust my reading time to accommodate busy weekend family time and my usual quite weekday nights.  I will get there.  Besides that I had a great week and really enjoyed reading.

So here are a few questions that you might want to answer on your blog for others to read.  Also make sure you encourage those that are embarking on this journey as well!

1.  Have you tried to read the entire Bible before?  Why or why not?

2.  If you have tried to read the Bible in its entirety, what challenges did you face in fulfilling your desire?  Where did you start?  If you did not finish, how far did you get?

3.  What have you found to be difficult and what have you found to be rewarding in your attempts to read the Bible in 90 days?

4.  For those who may be struggling, what advice can you give to help encourage them to stick to the goal?

5.  What excites you most about reading the entire Bible in 90 days?

Here are the verses for the week:

Monday:  Leviticus 1:1 through Leviticus 14:32

Tuesday:  Leviticus 14:33 through Leviticus 26:26

Wednesday:  Leviticus 26:27 through Numbers 8:14

Thursday:  Numbers 8:15 through Numbers 21:7

Friday:  Numbers 21:8 through 32:19

Saturday:  Numbers 32:20 through Deuteronomy 7:26

Sunday:  Deuteronomy 8:1 through Deuteronomy 23:11

I will also answer these questions and post them tomorrow!  I hope you first week went well and your second week even better.  If you have just started this week with our journey, do not dismay, you can do it!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Running Late With My RD

I am running a tad late with my Random Dozen today, but I finally got it done!

1. Do you use the labels various charities send you as “free gifts?”

Sometimes, If they send them, I don’t want to waste them, I feel that they should be used!  Half of the time our road name is spelled wrong anyways, so they are useless! 

2. What is your favorite time of day (or night) for skywatching?

Night.  I am fascinated by the stars.

3. What is the most adventurous you've ever been with trying a new food? (Keep it G-rated please)

Every time I go to McDonalds I say a prayer before I eat.  Have you seen the teenagers they hire to fry the fires??

4. Have you ever heard a rock sing? (Trust me, there's a reason for this one!)

Yes.  We live in Tennessee and when it rains very hard, the water moves the rocks down the branch.  It is the most beautiful sound.  Also this year while we were in the Dominican on our mission trip we went to a beach where there were rocks instead of sand.  When the waves broke, you could hear the rock rolling in the waves…beautiful!

5. If you could learn a language you don't presently speak, what would it be?

Spanish.  I want to be able to communicate to the people that we work with in the Dominican without an interpreter.

6. Al Capone's tombstone read, “My Jesus, Mercy.” If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?

Oh my goodness, this is the question for me!!  You need to read more about my funeral, here & here.  But on my cat shaped tombstone, it will say “God was missing an angel, so He called her home.”

7. If you were a famous musician who was known by one name, like “Cher,” “Sting,” or “Jewel,” what would it be? It doesn’t have to be your first name, but it can be, if you’d like.

Wow, I have drawn a complete blank.  I have no idea…

8. Have you ever been inordinately “into” a television show?

Which one am I not into?  HA!  I love Lost.  Enough said!  Reality shows, Survivor and Big Brother, hands down…and Amazing Race. 

9. When you sneeze, do you go big, or do you do that weird “heenh!” sound that makes people think you’re going to blow your brains out? Any other variation we should know about?

A big ‘ol Aaaaa-Chooo are my favorites but usually they are like some kind of weird,  aaaaaH-Ceww.

10. Do you still read an actual newspaper that you hold in your hands, or do you get your news elsewhere?

Every once in a while I will get a wild hair and buy a paper, but usually I read the news over the net.

11. Are you a good speller?

NO!  I spell so bad that spell check can’t recognize my words!

12. At what time each day do you start thinking about Lost lunch?

Each day when I get to work, Wes (my co-worker) comes to my office to have the lunch talk.  So usually about 9am-ish.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Seasons Change

I think my oldest has a love for his hair like no other.  But seasons change and I am oddly reminded of this song…

Exhibit A:  DJ, our oldest.

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A close resemblance of  Cousin It, from the Adams Family…

Exhibit B:  The hair salon…


The verdict:  My handsome son!  He has always been handsome, but now we can see his face, and his eyes and WOW what a big difference 6 pounds of less hair makes!

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The remains of Cousin It, may he rest in peace, FOREVER!
