Thursday, February 11, 2010

I’m Alive, Really

Goodness, did y’all think I fell off the earth?  I have been so crazy busy and swamped that I barely have time to sleep!  I told y’all that I would post again on Tuesday with my answers to the 90 day challenge, but honestly with reading my Bible, working full time, trying to watch lost, go to church, the Bachelor (which I have not watched this week yet) and the big Survivor, Villains vs Heroes coming on tonight, I don’t have time.  I also forgot to mention that I am still a mom and a wife.

Here are my answers to the questions that I posted on Monday.  Surely, posting them on Thursday is really the same thing as posting them on Tuesday since they both start with a “T”, right?

Ahem, Anyhoo, hear I go…

1.  Have you tried to read the entire Bible before?  Why or why not?

Yes, many times, but I have never made it…not even close.

2.  If you have tried to read the Bible in its entirety, what challenges did you face in fulfilling your desire?  Where did you start?  If you did not finish, how far did you get?

I would start in Genesis and never quite make through Exodus.  My biggest challenge is I simply have not made it a priority.   I would get caught up in daily life, kids, TV and routine that by the end of the day, I was falling into bed, asleep before my head hit the pillow. 

3.  What have you found to be difficult and what have you found to be rewarding in your attempts to read the Bible in 90 days?

I think what is most rewarding is this time is my desire to read the Bible in it’s entirely.  Before, it was more of “this is what I should do” and this time I desire to read it.  I have made it as important as eating.   I am trying to also eat healthy so my motto has been good things in my mind, good things in my stomach.

4.  For those who may be struggling, what advice can you give to help encourage them to stick to the goal?

Do not let anything discourage you.  If you miss a day, it’s okay, you can catch up.  If you miss two days in a week, no sweat, read a few additional pages during the week.  You can do it, even if it takes longer than 90 days, you can do it!

5.  What excites you most about reading the entire Bible in 90 days?

I am not sure, I think I am just excited to learn more!  Also, to accomplish reading the entire Bible in 90 days, to know that I can do this, I can do anything.!


Penny said...

I've probably never read the Bible through in one planned amount of time. I've heard of reading it in 365 days, but the 90 is new to me.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I am falling behind, but I am still reading daily :)