Friday, October 30, 2009

I Need Your Immediate Attention Please

We are ordering the wood flooring for our home today….We can not agree on the color…..please help us!!

Do you like the darker color, or the lighter??

Also, please ignore the dirty carpet…it’s kinda the reason we are getting wood floors, so I am throwing caution to the wind, because I am desperate for help picking out the color! 

Did I mention we are ordering it today?  I should of come to y’all earlier instead of the day we have to make the decision!

SDC11538 SDC11533 SDC11534 SDC11535  SDC11537

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Meeting Of A New Sister

Our Women’s Ministry has branched out with a ministry they named “Sister2Sister”.   For  those who may not be aware, this is a ministry where they pair women together in groups of two and for six months we plan at least one meeting once a month to share what is going on in our lives.  A group of women prayed over who would be paired together and then we were split into a group of eight for a “Sister Keeper” to introduce us.

Before I go any further, let me give you a little back ground about myself.  I am not a fan of surprises.  I always know what I am getting for Christmas, birthdays, etc, because I am the one that will open a present ahead of time, then wrap it back up and wait ever impatiently for the day to come when I can really open it.  I knew the sex of each one of our children before they were born, and if someone tries to keep a secret from me, I will begged, whine and cry until they (most of the time) give in and let me know. 

This time not the case.  I begged and whined myself silly and not one person told me who my “sister” would be.  I scoured over e-mail address of the eight sisters who were in my group, trying to narrow it down to who I would be paired with and then would share my thoughts with the ones who were blessed with the secret, to be told…”I WILL not tell you”!  Trust me I was trying everything I knew to get the information I wanted!!

Thursday arrived, the day I would get to meet my sister and I had no clue on who I would get.  I was a wreck, this was a situation that was totally out of my control and I was a little on the uneasy side!

Susan Lynch was our Sister’s Keeper, and bless her heart, I already did everything in my power to pull the info out of her, and she absolutely did not divulged any information.     (If you ever want someone to keep a secret, this is your  woman!!)

SDC11509Remember when you were a kid, and the anticipation of Christmas was almost to much to bear and you had to wait forever to open your Christmas presents?  Well welcome to what we had to endure….I thought it would be  10pm before Susan would  pass out those little colorful bags with our names on them so we could finally see who our sister was.  The time finally came.

We opened our bags which had a pair of socks in them, and then we peeked around the room to find the sister that had the same socks that we had and YAY, my sister was……Jennifer Lane!!


The long anticipated wait was over and I was paired with the sweetest lady!!  I am such a lucky sister!!  We have started a journey of a sisterhood that I feel will lead into a lifelong friendship!

So did I learn any lessons from this experience of waiting?  I can honestly say I did.  My favorite Bible verse this year has been “Be still and know that I am God.”  This is something I have always struggled with and at times have  jumped into situations of my life, and sometimes forget to wait for  and know that God is there and I just need to be still and wait and lean on Him. Just maybe, I will remember this the next time I am a situation that I must wait and not have control over.  Will I still beg and whine for hints on presents and such…I am sure I will, but waiting for the big reveal of my sister, was so worth it and I can’t wait to see what our adventures of sisterhood will reveal to us!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Joyful In Hope

I have been dealing with quite a bit of ups and downs the last couple of months.  Some days I feel like my old self and know exactly what I am doing then other days I feel like I am in a downward spiral of the unknown.  My thoughts seem to be all over the place, but my actions have been on cruise control just going day by day dealing with the uncertainties of what the day may bring.

Our family has been going through one of the hardest seasons that I think a family could go through.  We were faced with a situation that was at best, one of the hardest things we have had to endure as a family.  All is well at this point and we continue to grow and learn and are  focused on moving through this new phase of lives.  I would love to share with you the trials that we are facing, but at this time I am not ready or prepared to explain our situation right now.  I feel that one day, God is preparing us to maybe do something very positive out of this situation and then at that time we will be there to possibly to help another family to deal with what we are facing right now.

Wow, that got a little deeper than I expected, but  tonight as I thought about blogging, I sat at my computer not knowing what I was going to type and out of the blue, this is what came out.  God has reveled himself today in many areas and just maybe this is yet another thing I needed to get out. 

Do any of you have challenges on Sunday morning getting ready for church?  Each and everyday, my alarm goes off and I get up and get ready for work with no issues.  I drive to work, no problems, besides the occasional slow driver.  Sundays, it’s a whole different story!!  Each and every Sunday we run late.  There is no way to explain it but the devil is hard at work to make our Sunday mornings a living nightmare, and this morning it was not exception. 

At one point driving to church we almost turned around and went home, but we continued on to church, the last few minutes in silence.  We walked into Sunday school 15 minutes late and was there more of an obligation than a privilege.  That changed quickly! 

God reveled himself in such a way that I knew, knew, knew that through everything I need to be still and know that He is there, for me, not matter what.  One of the verses this morning in Sunday school was one of my favorites and one that I need to tell myself daily…

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Romans 12:12

God is good all the time, all the time God is good!  What a renewed perspective I experienced today!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Beth Moore Here I Come!!

Woot, woot….I am leaving  at 10am, heading out to Memphis to go to my very first Beth Moore…..thingie!

Please be in prayer for our travels, it looks like rain on the horizon.  Besides a little rain, I am very excited!!  Pictures to follow of our grand adventures!

Monday, October 5, 2009

‘Tis The Season

Check out my little find yesterday…


I was seriously doing the happy dance right in the middle of Krogers!  Yes, I did buy six containers (one is hiding) of my beloved Coffee-Mate Peppermint Mocha creamer!!  Every year, I buy one container and when I go back I can never find it…this year I am being prepared!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wow, That’s Bold, Funny, But Bold!

Check out what a local church put on their Marquee…

bellwood baptist church sign

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Senior Moment At Age 37

I think that it’s more of a “D’oh” you are so stupid, more than a senior moment!

This morning as I crawled out of bed, I grabbed my glasses and put them on, like usual and drug my half asleep body to the kitchen for coffee. 

I turned on the computer and I was having the hardest time seeing and everything was so blurry.  I just thought I was having a hard time waking up, no worries. as time went on instead of my sight getting better it got worse and I kept rubbing my eyes trying to see if maybe I had sleep in them or something, but nothing help.

An hour rolled by and I thought, hey maybe I am having a brain aneurysm or maybe this is a symptom of a stroke, y’all I am freaking out.

We headed out to buy some shrubs and we picked out and brought what we were getting and crawled back into the truck and I am still stressing telling Jeremy I think something is wrong with me, I hope that I am not getting ready to die, and he, I think is getting a little nervous too, because we are 4 hours into me not being able to see and I am scared!!

Then I lifted my glasses off to rub my eyes again, and when I looked up with out my glasses, I could see perfect. 

That’s the when the big “D’oh” hit me….I feel asleep last night and forgot to take my contacts out, so I was wearing my contacts and my glasses at the same time!!!

I think I need a vacation!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Random Shrub Question

Okay, here is the deal.  We live 500 feet down in a holler.  Trust, me, 500 feet and pretty much straight down.  A few weeks ago we had torrential amounts of rain to the point that Noah and his animals stopped by for supper one night!  HA! 

Anyhoo, the rain caused my road to wash away in several places and at one point in the road, the rut was so deep that you could stand in it and all that could be saw was chest up.  It was bad y’all!  It was so bad that I just plain quit driving on one part of the road and would park the Jeep and walk!

We hired a bulldozer man and he did a fantastic job of fixing, smoothing, widening and perfecting our muddy mess of a driveway!  The poor  fella even worked in the rain!  There is still work to be done at the bottom and gravel to be laid (long story for another time) and our road will be beautiful!!

We had a new part of the road pushed in, on the front of our home and on both side of the road we have a slope that needs tending to.  I am at a loss for what kind of shrubs/ground cover to buy….any suggestions??  Here is what I am talking about…


This picture show the road in between two slopes……


This slope is the one below the road that just goes on out into a treed holler…


These pictures show the slope above the road and right under the house…

SDC11436 This is a picture of Higgins just being plain mantastic, as usual!

Okay so what should I do?  I was thinking of low growing   ground cover for the bottom half and ??? for the top??  I need help….BAD!!  We are going to look at shrubs and such tomorrow and I just do not even know where to start.  Oh, I love colors….and of course anything the flowers….if that helps any!