Sunday, October 18, 2009

Joyful In Hope

I have been dealing with quite a bit of ups and downs the last couple of months.  Some days I feel like my old self and know exactly what I am doing then other days I feel like I am in a downward spiral of the unknown.  My thoughts seem to be all over the place, but my actions have been on cruise control just going day by day dealing with the uncertainties of what the day may bring.

Our family has been going through one of the hardest seasons that I think a family could go through.  We were faced with a situation that was at best, one of the hardest things we have had to endure as a family.  All is well at this point and we continue to grow and learn and are  focused on moving through this new phase of lives.  I would love to share with you the trials that we are facing, but at this time I am not ready or prepared to explain our situation right now.  I feel that one day, God is preparing us to maybe do something very positive out of this situation and then at that time we will be there to possibly to help another family to deal with what we are facing right now.

Wow, that got a little deeper than I expected, but  tonight as I thought about blogging, I sat at my computer not knowing what I was going to type and out of the blue, this is what came out.  God has reveled himself today in many areas and just maybe this is yet another thing I needed to get out. 

Do any of you have challenges on Sunday morning getting ready for church?  Each and everyday, my alarm goes off and I get up and get ready for work with no issues.  I drive to work, no problems, besides the occasional slow driver.  Sundays, it’s a whole different story!!  Each and every Sunday we run late.  There is no way to explain it but the devil is hard at work to make our Sunday mornings a living nightmare, and this morning it was not exception. 

At one point driving to church we almost turned around and went home, but we continued on to church, the last few minutes in silence.  We walked into Sunday school 15 minutes late and was there more of an obligation than a privilege.  That changed quickly! 

God reveled himself in such a way that I knew, knew, knew that through everything I need to be still and know that He is there, for me, not matter what.  One of the verses this morning in Sunday school was one of my favorites and one that I need to tell myself daily…

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Romans 12:12

God is good all the time, all the time God is good!  What a renewed perspective I experienced today!


Melissa's Thoughts said...

very good. God is working his plan perfectly in your family. Don't give up. It's hard for me to get up too.

Miss Behavin said...

Chin up girlie!! I love you!!

Greg C said...

LIfe is getting hard for a lot of us but I see it this way. God is making us stronger for something bigger. And I know we can meet the challenge. Keep pushing BFF I think we will see our purpose very soon.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Hugs :)