Saturday, February 20, 2010

Remain Seated Until This Post Has Came To A Complete Stop

First, ya’ll it’s a BIG Woo to the Hoo today in Tennessee…50 degree weather….WooooHoooo!

Now buckle your seat belt for a wild ride of a post.  It will make sharp turns to the right, speed down hills at 90 miles an hour and then jerk you back the the left and finally come to a screeching halt!  Yep, I am going to cover lots of stuff!  HA!

I got nails!  No, not the kind you hit with a hammer, but the ones that make your hands all pretty!  See…

SDC10029 (Wow my hands look old and yucky, I need to use more lotion!)

Then I got crazy with the 50 degree weather and pretty nails and chopped my hair off….I mean completely off, like buzzed in the back, short.  It’s so short that my curls turned very tight and I was sporting a ‘fro by the time I got home. 

We got us a big ‘ol washing machine!  A Kenmore Oasis!  It’s got a big tub, and y’all and we have gone plumb crazy and have been washing everything…and I mean everything.  Hubby even made everyone take the clothes off their back so he could fill that sucker up!  We’re excited y’all!  Can you tell?

I am worn slap out from planning goat stuff for the Dominican.  There are so many unknowns and things to do, people to talk to and I seem to keep chasing my tail in a complete circle with not much to show for it.  Also the goats seem to be a little more to purchase than I anticipated.  They will be around $400 each.  I am exploring some fundraiser ideas to help us out…any ideas?

I won big at Bunco last night!  I’ve never won before and I am beside myself with joy!  I am ultra competitive and love a good clean win!  HA!

The garage was cleaned today, Higgins got a bath and I am out of paper towels and dishwasher detergent.  I hate that!  Being out of paper towels and dish detergent is what I hate, not the cleaned garage and Higgins smelling all wonderful, that I love!

I’m done, finally! 


Jacki said...

tooo funny! LOVE the nails!
60 degrees in Hopkinsville today!!! WOOT WOOT !! Bring on Spring!

shananagins said...

love the nails...and i know what you mean about the washer...when i got mine we went plumb crazy trying to fill it for sharing..

Skoots1moM said...

would love to see your hair :)