Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Good, The Bad And The Stinky!


Today is Administrative Assistants Day and lookie I what I got! It is from The Country Gourmet, and it's full of chocolate, coffee and lots of other goodies!! Awwww!! How sweet! I work with the best group of folks, EVER!! Yay!


This man INFURIATES me! If you do not know about this man, or live under a rock and have not heard about the debacle of the Miss USA question that Perez Hilton asked Miss California, aka Carrie Prejean (which by the way is my new hero) about gay marriage, well you are better off not knowing!! (Of course I'm gonna tell you if you do not know!!) Well the question asked by this openly gay man was, what she felt about gay marriage, and she responded with this.

"We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."

All I can say is, bravo!!!!

Again, my Higgins decided that he would punish me by rolling in horse poo, UGGHHHHH! This must stop and it needs to stop now! I Googled it, wanting to know why my dog rolls in poo and how I stop it, well, thank you Google, but you were absolutely no help.

One site said that dogs roll in poo, because it is a natural instint that comes from their ancestors. Yeah, their ancestors would roll in poo to mask their scent to help aid in hunting their game. Well, the only thing Higgins has to hunt is a nice bowl of Kibbles N Bits from the bag that I provide him!

To my dismay, the only thing I found to break him from it, was to roll in poo myself, to show him how bad I smell.....where does Google find these people???


H-Mama said...

ok... you really made me laugh out loud. :D hope this bad habit gets resolved soon! humor aside, i know that must really be frustrating.

Pam from alertandorientedx4 said...

My little dog rolls in ANYTHING dead...birds, bugs, old popsicles that have melted and then congealed...I feel your pain...

Jeanette said...

In regards to the pictures...


GROSS! And his mouth is filthy - she is better off not winning. If you don't want someone's opinion, don't ask for it! I think it was a setup and I applaud her for sticking up for what she believes.

DISGUSTING! I never had this problem with our dog (gone two years). Is it possible to leash him where there is no poo?

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

You are too funny!
Nice score on all the chocolate. :)

Unknown said...

Yay for you.

Totally agree with you on Perez. Go Miss California!

Dogs just like to roll around in poo. It's their thing.

Mrs. Darling said...

Well now that package under good things I will take any day. The rest not so much not even the little dog. LOl I am so not an animal lover!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Can't wait to see you roll in poo...ahahaha, that is hilarious, I never get answers from google.

Glad you got some yummy goodness for Secretary's day or Administrative Assistants day or whatever is the politically correct way to say it.

Perez Hilton--no comment--ahem..can't stand the man.