Friday, October 31, 2008

Lots Of Random Stuff

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is not my favorite holiday, the only reason I some what get excited is because there are cat associated with it, and yep I'm a cat lover! Look how cute these kitties are!!

I have not posted much this week, I have just been so busy that I have had a hard time with just getting a few minutes to sit and type! I have done one blog makeover this week that was completed and another that I am working on, along with getting ready to work on one for our Ladies Ministry blog, so this has been occupying my time.....a lot!! But I like doing it, so I am not complaining...much. I would not be me if I did not complain some!!

Here is my kitty Gracie, she has been helping me design blog lately!! She was actually in my way, but she was too cute to move...

I just finished my second full week of work! Yippee! They say once you make it over the two week hump, it's smooth sailing from there!
Actually it had been great, I am so blessed to get a job that totally fits me to a T, but of course I am one of those that like to start something and finish it in the same sitting...that's not happening here, it's a work in progress. I just feel like..Hey the day is gone...but I am not done.....wait let me finish!! I need to work on this and just turn everything off, walk away and know that I can do it tomorrow! It will get better, or maybe I should say I'll get better!!!

There is one thing that is kicking my butt...the telephone!! Here is the culprit...

Looks simple, huh? It is, but for some reason it is not being very user friendly to me!! Ughh, and this is coming from the girl who's first job was as a telephone operator using this...

Yep, my first job I used a machine just like this, and we called it "The Beast"!! I loved it, and using this was way cool!! So if I can learn something like this, what is my problem with the other phone?? I guess it is too simple. I transfer people to voice mail when I just want to transfer and when I want to transfer a call to voice mail, I can't!! Oh well I need a glitch here and there, right?

So for the next thing about my new job is I need to decorate my office....the walls are a little bare. I brought some cat stuff in and a round mirror but I need some inspiration.

Plus, there is another bare wall that I did not get a picture of!! So if you have any ideas for me.....GREAT!! I could use them! Of course I love cats and a total cat theme would be great, but I do not want to get fired for being too PURRFECT!! He he!!


Jeanette said...

You actually got to run a board like that?! I am SO impressed!! If you can do "the beast" you can do that little thing - just keep a cheat sheet with you.

Your office does need some inspiration but I am drawing a complete blank right now. On the bright side, you have four walls instead of a cubicale right?!

You are one blessed girl!


Katelyn said...

You ussed to operate that!!! That's awesome! Good luk with the decorating!

Greg C said...

Oh no, something else in common. We are cat people too and both my wife and MIL were phone company people. This is sceerry stuff. Hope you had a great weekend and hope you have another great week. Hint, just unplug the phone if it bothers you. :)

April said...

bwahhahahahahah!! Fired for being too Purrfect? ha!

Anonymous said...

April could help you decorate, you know she's good at it (plus she probably has stuff she doesn't use at her house, to decorate with)

Jill said...

Looks like you need some Uppercase Living stuff in your office!:)