Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ladies & Gentlemen, I Am Honored!

I would like to take a few moments of your day to accept this wonderful award! Yes I got an award!! Yippeee....Horray.....a big Whoo to the Hoo....I got me an award, y'all! Not just any award but a gold one, a BFF Gold Card Award!

Let me first thank Julie who visits my blog on a regular basic, reading and putting up with my occasional rant here and there! If you have never stopped by her blog before, stop by and say hello!

Now, the rules state, I am to pass this award on to those friends in blog world that I would consider some of my BFFs. Drum roll please......

Carrie, April, Greg (Greg you my newest BFF!!), Jennifer & Jill

I tried using this wonderful Gold Card reward at Wally's last night, but it kept telling the cashiers insufficient funds, so no guarantee if the is any $$ that comes along with it!!


So are y'all wondering about my little surprise?? You know the other day I asked for a few prayers at 10:30am because I was doing something?? Remember how I could not tell you about it yet?? Well, I still can't tell you yet, but keep your fingers crossed and a few prayers are still appreciated! Stay tuned for more!!!

Have a great day!!


Greg C said...

You are making me very angry with this surprise thing. Thank goodness you we are BFF's now or I would really be angry. You can't be angry with a BFF you know. :)

Anonymous said...

Come on . . . it is time to give up the surprise thing and let us all in on it you silly girl! Inquiring minds want to know!

I am so happy you like the award and the post is really cute today!

Anonymous said...

You are so stinking funny, "a big wooooo to the whoooo" and yes that would be the correct way to spell it, lmbo! Thanks for the award, yay for GOLD!

Anonymous said...

Guess what everyone???? I know the BIG SECRET!!!!! HeeHee...and i'm not tellin!!!


Jennifer said...

Thanks so much for the award. I am so honored! I can't wait to hear more about the surprise. When can you give a hint?