Headache is gone....thank goodness, bad part is it has been replaced with this huge pain in my neck. A REAL PAIN in my neck....not hubby!! He he! That was a good one!!
Thanks for the responses on Thanksgiving traditions. We as well, usually do the big turkey nap, after stuffing ourselves silly with food!! For those that are taking a run this year....Greg.....let me just say kuddos to you! A strong word for you.....if you ever see me running....call the police and stop and help me, because someone is chasing me!!
That's right, I do not run....EVER.....the only reason I would be running is because some deranged person is chasing me trying to kill me. Granted I am sure that I would deserve it, but still I would run. Only reason I'd run!!
Wow, I am sweating even thinking about running!!
I am still up in the air on what to do, so if all else fails, we will nap!
Now on to more frightening things. The cold air has brought these unusually big spiders in the house the past few days....gross. I am scared of spiders and all things insect, so this has not been a fun few days. You know something else that I am frighted about??
Obama....yep, it's out there. I did it...I said the dreaded name on my blog....I can't help myself, I have told myself over and over not to talk politics. It went something like this...
"ME: listen, do not talk politics on your blog. ME: OK, I wont. ME: Good, because people might hate your opinion and you should not talk about it! ME: OK!!"
I guess I don't listen to me. Really, what are we thinking as a nation???? Have we gone batty or something???? I can not believe what I am seeing and hearing.....OH MY GOODNESSSSSS!!! I am really worried about this upcoming election and really worried for our nation.
OK, I will stop here, I do not want to make things worse. Once again stepping off the soap box.
Forgive me, I respect others right to vote, I respect your right to vote for whom ever you see fit, I just can not help but to be a little scared and worried.
I am getting down....stepping off right now!!!!!!
Home Style Saturday 440
7 hours ago
You're a hoot. I'm not much of a runner these days with a knee that was wracked up skiing, but I can still rollerblade. However, by the time I'd don my blades, I'd be caught - lol! I can still hike - thank God, I just have to use a hiking pole on the trail. They sell some nice ones in the sporting/camping stores.
And I so agree about politics and Obama and blogging. Ohhh, I did it, didn't I? I said what I'm thinking too.
I believe we're in for some terrible days if he becomes president. But then our big God is in control and He has allowed certain events throughout history to bring His people to their knees through troubled times.
It makes me think that we may be entering days like that of Daniel and his buddies. Anyhow, it's in the Lord's hands. That's where I will prayerfully leave it.
There are people that I love dearly that are voting O - I cannot see my mind around it. Especially with all that I hear about him and his unusual practices for one who wants to be the President of the US - no hand over his heart during the pledge, no USA on his plane, no USA welcome when arriving in other countries - makes me wonder what exactly he IS willing to do for our nation!
I definitely agree with all of you!
Ah, you brought it up. I think I'm going to bring it up on my blog too, I like the controversy. lol
Patrice - you are so wrong! You run every day - ERRANDS!! Whenevery anyone asks if I run, I tell them yes. I run errands. Otherwise, I really try not to sweat as this is a totally unladylike thing to do.
It amazes me the amount of people that will vote for a man that refuses to prove that he was born in the USA, won't say the pledge of alligience because he dosn't want to step on the toes of our enemies and thinks our national anthem should be "I want to teach the world to sing". Is he serious?!
All I can say is we get what we deserve. God will take care of this country as He has many nations that have turned their backs on Him.
Not enough prayers can be said!
Oh no you didn't GF. LOL You said the O word on your blog. If you check mine out you will see that I dodged the question. Yes I am going to run on Thanksgiving and no one is chasing me, I too hate spiders but politics scare me more. I thiink they should spell it politicks. I agree with Susan but hate going down with the ship. Please vote with your heart.
I wanted to stop in tonight to thank you for stopping by my blog. I definitely will be so happy and thankful when our construction is completed!!! Some days it just gets to me and then I am all crabby and ugly! Thanks for being such a cheerful Friend!
Love and Hugs
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