I have thrown myself into my blog lately as a form of therapy. I found friends that I could not even imagined. Friends that hurt, friends that care and most importantly friends that will pray hard for someone they have never meet in person.
I have seen countless miracles through the blogs that I read, anything from adopted children, medical necessities and answered prayers. I have also seen others go through hard times, death of children and things that leave us crying with the ones that we have connected with, through a bond that is hard to believe that is formed through all things, a blog.
There has been so much going on in my life for some time now with my family. I have hesitated to mention much on my blog, for the fear that my family may read it and I did not want to make the situation worse than it already is, but it can not get any worse, so here it is.
I am coming to you for help. I have struggle, wrestled with my thoughts, blamed myself, blamed my family, asked God why, pleaded with Him, blamed Him, praised Him, cried and tried to laugh, but I think what I been missing is keeping this to myself, trying to act like everything is perfect and nothing is wrong. Smiling and laughing in front of others and hiding in my home dealing with the pain by myself. There are few that know, but I am asking for prays of many now.
I have been estranged from my parents now since the day before I left for our mission trip to the Dominican Republic. That day on the phone with my father was one of the hardest things that I have ever been through. I was given a choice to make and I made the choice that is one of the hardest things that I ever had to make. I chose to continue to minister to a family that has caused such strife in our families. A family that caused us such pain for many years. A family that is put our lives through unspeakable heart ache.
There was an opportunity, that was, what I like to call "A God Thing". This summer an opportunity came where we were able to make peace with this family. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I am not one that forgives easily and for me to forgive but most importantly forget the horrible things that have happened in the past, is only a God thing. I hid this from my parents, because I was afraid that they would not understand. The hurt that we have gone through is not easy to move on from. So for weeks, I guess you could say, we were in stealth mode, hoping that they would not find out.
They found out and there was a strain, a disconnection if you will. I tried to continue without really facing my family head on and by ignoring remarks and praying that it would blow over. It didn't. The disconnection grew more and then the phone call that changed everything. I have always prided myself in being "daddy's little girl", not any more, I hurt him with my decision, and he said things to me that day that I can not bear to mention. Which leads us to where it is today, no communication. The only communication with my family I have is so minimal we seem like strangers.
It's killing me. I really do not know where to go from here. I've tried, but I feel that they need to try too. It can not be one sided and I can not quit this relationship that we have built with this other family. I know God has a purpose, but should we lose love ones for this purpose? I know what I should do, but in my wildest dreams I thought this would be better by now. Do my parents not see I need my family.
So here I am coming to all my friends for their prayers, I need help. I am not even sure what to ask for prayers for. Maybe unharding of hearts, forgiveness, strength to carry on...I am not even sure. I just thank you in advance for your prayers.
Home Style Saturday 440
7 hours ago
I count it an honor to be able to pray for you and your family!
On my knees on your behalf.....
Please know that we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I wish you the very best of luck on your journey. Enjoy the weekend!
I pray and will continue to pray everyday. You all are also my family and I know this is hard on both you and your parents. Just know that I love you and your parents and I am here for you always. I love you bunches and I don't know what I would do without you. Thanks for the fun morning we had today (flat tire and all!! HeHe) Luvvies Annette
You are in my prayers! I have been where you are. Seriously, my Dad and I didn't speak for 3 years. I have chosen to forgive someone that hurt the family and it has brought back familiar strain, but I have to believe that God's word is never wrong. It says Forgive others and your Heavenly Father will forgive you. If you do not forgive others your Heavenly Father will not forgive you. I can't take that kind of chance! I believe the Whole Word is true. I need to walk the walk; sounds like you're doing the same. It is so hard sometimes, but remember Jeremiah 29:11; For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. My pastor says we need Hope to Cope. Remember Peter didn't sink until he took his eyes off Jesus. Keep looking to Him; He is more than able, mighty to save, and WILL bring you through this. I believe our lives here are in preparation to rule and reign with Almighty God. It is true that pruning hurts. That being refined in the fire is painful... but God is never late, and never wrong. Do you know the song Bring The Rain? Cling to the message there... it has helped me tremendously. Love & Prayers coming right to you, Whitney
I have a morning ritual. I boot up my laptop and then head to my yahoo page, 99.99999% of the time I do not do this on Sunday mornings, but I had some extra time this morning.
When I get to my yahoo homepage I launch the link to my blog and give a quick scan of the other blogs I have in my blog list.
Well this morning, for some reason (wink, wink God is so cool in how He orchestrates things) my eye caught you blog link. I had added it to my bookmark list at my yahoo page as one I wanted to check out further.
Now again normally I would have gone straight to the link for my blog but this morning instead I clicked on your blog and the first words I saw were “prayer request”.
I am nearly ready for church, but I had to send you a quick comment to tell you that God is so faithful even to direct strangers to you need.
I will be praying for you today. During those times when life seems full of sorrow, when it is easier to just sink yourself into the pretend that everything is ok mode, I have always been able to cling to this verse.
It is such a comfort for me to know that even when I do not know what to pray for the Holy Spirit will intercede for me with groans that word can not express.
RO 8:26-27
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.
Patrice I love you and your family and I love your mom and dad. There is no way I can express just how much you all mean to Helen and me. It hurts me to find that you guys are all hurting over an old hurt that was never resolved. I am glad that you were able to forgive the family that caused so much hurt because that is exactly what God ask, no, demands of us. But be aware that sometimes the devil will try to cause confusion in our families because family is God's first and most precious plan. Husband- Wife, Parents- Children, these are very important to God. If the other family is sincere in their desire to reconcile they absolutely must reconcile with your parents also. All the problem isn't your dad's fault. Things have been done by the other family to your dad and mom that were extremely hurtful and costly both in money and emotionally, not to mention the spiritual side. Your dad almost resigned as deacon because of the feelings he was having. Yes I am all for forgiveness but be sure that the other family isn't just pulling another hurtful stunt. If this commit is too blunt it is because I love you all and I haven't changed in my desire for you all when I was your pastor for a while. I am believing God with you for reconciliation. With every ounce of my love, Bro Lawrence
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