Saturday, October 25, 2008

I've Never....

Well my first week of work is now in the history books, that's a big Whoo to the Hoo!!
It went so well, and I feel very comfortable in my new role.

Hubby was great this week, and helped so much picking up the slack and helping us all transition into me working again. The boys were not to happy, because mom can tend to be a push over, but Dad, is not!! It was a mini boot camp around our household this week! Every afternoon when I got home, I got this look of "HELP" from the boys! This is a first in a long time, that everything was done, organized, cleaned & put up and just plain orderly! Even the animals are getting a redo on their fencing, so inside & out everything is ship, shape!! Another Whoo to the Hoo, please!

Ok, you were thinking that this was going to be a sweet tribute to my first week of work and all the wonderful things that were happening around the home front......well, I can't seem to help myself, so here comes the rant!! Yep, I am getting ready to throw myself a full blown hissy fit!

I have never in my life been so ill at the actions and hurtful words of some!!! There I said it, it's out, I feel somewhat better! I get so sick of some that think they are so very self-righteous, the world owes them, they are entitled to everything that they think belongs to them and when life happens and it did not go the way they planned, of course it is someone else's fault and they pin the blame on that, poor, unexpected person! Ugghhh, sometimes women can be so vicious! Yep, I was a fall person for someone this week.

I am a little hurt, I will have to say and I would love to confront this person and say:

"Hey, what's the deal with you....I had no idea...please leave me out of your pity party, and quit trying to make me feel bad because, just maybe this was not about you and what you wanted, but about someone else and their accomplishment and hard work, It was not yours to begin was a toss up and anybodies game!"

I am so glad the Lord loves such a sinner as myself and forgives me for my sometimes daily rants!!!

OK, I am done, I am stepping off that soap box and I will try not to visit it again!

Back to the happy post....I see butterflies floating daintily, worry free in the breeze that is gently pushing fall leaves through the sky and squirrels scurrying around along the vibrant oranges, browns and yellows that are the fresh fallen leaves getting the last of their harvest tucked safely away for the winter. (What a run on sentence!!) Goodness I feel better!

I do have a question for y'all....

I am looking for a new Thanksgiving tradition for this year. We usually cook the big feast and enjoy each other. This year Jeremy sister her husband and our nephew is coming for thanksgiving. I would love to do something fun and exciting Thanksgiving day, and would love to know what your family does after the big feast!! Does your family play games, watch the games or just simply take naps?? Let me know and throw any suggestion my way!!


Anonymous said...

So glad your first week went so very well! Sorry about the person with the pity party!

Hey, could you send your hubs my way? I could use a bit of that organization and structure!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Sorry there was a glitch in the first week, but it will all smooth out. We don't have a special tradition, but when I worked at Weight Watchers we used to tell people to get your fam together and take a walk after the big meal. I wonder how many actually took that advice??

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first week! Oooh, and if I go back to work do you think I could get a ship shape house too? Hmm... may just have to bump up the plan. :o) JK!

Pity parties are no fun, high five yourself from me for stepping out of the destruction zone!

I'm going to start a new tradition this year as well, I read about it in a magazine a few years back... Buy a white table cloth or runner and fabric pens. Have each person write what they are thankful for and sign & date it, then add to it each year. How fun will that be to read year after year??

Blessings, Whitney

Jeanette said...

I wondered how your week went. I'm glad it went well and your dh helped on the home front.

I'm not sure you will want to do what we do every year but it has become our tradition so....

We watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation every year after we eat. It is hilarious and we end up using lines from the movie throughout the year...

"I don't know, Margo"

is used ALOT!

There is a line during Chevy's rant that we fast forward thru just because it uses some not good language.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Greg C said...

We are nap people. After we gorge ourselves we sit around and let it turn into nice fluffy fat. This year though, I am going to try to run the turkey day run in the morning. That way after I eat I won't feel so guilty. It's a 5k run on Thanksgiving morning. Sorry I wasn't more help.

Anonymous said...

I was trying to see if Annette posted a comment to see what she said. I know her response: we take naps! No, she takes a nap! lol, we play games until the turkey kicks in and we're all tired, watch a little football and after a few hours, yes, we're all taking naps. :) It's just a given, not many people want to eat a huge meal then go walk around some place or play football in the back yard..naps it is.

Diane Meyer said...

First, woo to the hoo on your first week of work going well, and being able to rant without fear of reprisal. LOL.
Thanksgiving? we like to ride quads and/or horses around the back for a few hours after we eat, if it is not pouring rain. The we come back and eat even more!!