Friday, January 9, 2009

Doom & Gloom Is Over!

Hey guys, the beginning of the week was a rough one, but now the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the doom and gloom is behind me!

Just a quick diet update....things are not as bad as they were, a few good diet tips from y'all and a better attitude has helped! I have decided to have a more positive outlook on this whole diet thing and Monday when I weigh myself, hopefully it will be a big Woo to the Hoo!!

This week has a been a busy one at work, and you would think with the holidays behind us that we would have a breather, but not the case. Our new children's minister has keep me on my toes. She is on vacation with her hubby, but that does not keep her from calling!! Oh well, I don't mind...really, April, I don't mind at all!!!!!!

On the home front, things have not been busy and it because of that you would think that my Christmas trees would be down and life back to normal after the busy Christmas season?? Not!! I just took one down last night, so I have three to go. I usually put a tree up in every room, but this year I didn't.....thank the good Lord above, because the rate I am going I would not have them down until July!!

Speaking of July, today I put my deposit down for my mission trip to the Dominican Republic! My goodness when I think about last year when I put my deposit down, I was full of what-ifs, doubts and down right fear. This year, I my heart is leaping for joy! I cannot wait to get back there. Of course this trip will be a little different, the accommodations will be a lot more rough and there will be no showers and bathrooms, but I am not worried in the least! The trip is set for July 11-19, so be in prayer for this up-coming mission trip, for our group and the group that we will be ministering to!! Yippee, can't wait!!

Well this post seems to be scattered, so I will save y'all from any more of my ramblings, because as I just typed this, I thought of something else, but I will wait until next time!!

Have a great day!!


Jeanette said...

So glad you are back on track! Rock your weekend girl - and leave up the trees - it keeps life more interesting :}

Technonana said...

Hi Patrice!!
Yep, we are all trying to get back to the routine of life!!
I thought I had everything taken down and put up. Then my husband says to me,"honey, did you forget this little tree in the bathroom?" Well, yes I did!!
I will be praying about your trip that God will prepare the hearts of those to whom you are to minister, as He prepares yours to minister!
In Him,

Greg C said...

I can't wait to hear the results. I know they will be positive. After doing great up until New Years, I put two lbs back on but now I am losing again. I am back at it and it's full speed ahead. We have all our decorations put back up but like you, we are still busy.

Annette said...

Yeah how bout that YaYa score 2785 with 10 YaYa's I got last night!!! That's a big Woo to the Hoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

y'all are wooo to the hoo'ing me out! ha