Monday, January 12, 2009

2 Pounds & Ugly Mug

Okay, well it has been one official week since I started the big diet. So here's a quick recap:

  • Bad start to a bad diet
  • Took a difference direction mid-week
  • Better, but not fantastic
  • One really good day
  • Gut bombs from Krystal's, really bad day
Through it all I lost 2 pounds!! Yay! So now starts a new week, hopefully it will not be so bad this week. I need to get a exercise program started and I have yet to implement that, so I am sure that I will have a better chance of losing when I actually do more than watch what I eat!

Have you been over to Linda's at 2nd Cup of Coffee today? Well you need to hop over there and check out her new contest! I really think she needs to cut back on the caffeine, but who am I to talk. Anyhoo, she is running an Ugly Mug contest, that is sure to have every Starbucks addict scrambling through their good will boxes to dig out their ugliest mug they own! Well lucky for me I will not have to rummage through a box, I just need to grab mine out of the dishwasher!! So yep, that means I am in for this one, so here are the rules if you want to participate....

  1. Post the above button on your sidebar.
  2. Also post a picture of yourself with you mug.
  3. Write a post about your ugly mug and instruct everyone to go to Linda's blog on January 26th and vote for their favorite winner.
  4. Oh, you must KEN LEE coffee! It would not be fair for someone to win a Starbucks gift card and not love coffee!
The winner will be announced on January 27th, and I will do anything for your vote!! ALMOST ANYTHING!! He he!

So here is my ugly mug, no not my picture, but one of my coffee mug! I will have to say before you look at this, it was not ugly to start off with, but a rather beautiful mug of me and my hubby on our wedding day!! aaaAAAAWWWWW! How sweet! Yep, that should be at least one vote! My in-laws gave this mug to me a few weeks after we were married and I have been drinking coffee out of it ever since! (that should be another vote) My middle son actually wanted to throw it away because the was cracking and the picture and wording is peeling off, but I just can not part with it! That right there should be another vote!!

Anyhoo, here is a picture of it, hopefully all it's ugliness will show through. Remember, my wedding dress was once white when I first got this mug and not the ugly Orange-yellow it is now. (That should a pity vote in itself!!) Here it is:

My camera's battery was almost dead so it would not focus and I could not get the pictures of it's other side and rim, but trust me on the 26th and I have an array of pictures for you to look at! Lucky you!

Anyhoo, vote for me and vote often!! I need Starbucks! Trust me, I will beg if I have to!


Unknown said...

I feel ya'. Hubby lost 12.5 lbs. last week, while I lost 2. And I'm starving.

Mrs. Darling said...

I lost half a pound last week and if I dont step it up I will have gained that half pound this week!

Love your ugly mug! LOL

Greg C said...

Now wait a minute. If I vote for you then who will vote for me. :( I gained two lbs last week but I lost one already this week. If I lose one more, I will be down 15 lbs.

Kelly said...

I'm with Greg...I need to save my vote for myself.

I'm going to the gym in the morning. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah:) You know a pound a week is a healthy weight loss so you are ahead of the game... Do ya'll have wii fit or boxing? One of my friends said those are awesome workouts and fun. You could even split screen and compete with Jeremy:)

Anonymous said...

By the way the last comment was from Jenny:) hehe I forgot to put my name.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Dude. Wow, wow, and wow. You made me laugh when you had to point out that you did not actually wed in a yellow-oragnish dress!

I used to work for Weight Watchers as meeting room leader. One half pound to two is the MAX you should lose in one week. Much over that, and it will come back. YOu're going to be OK. Keep plugging along. I'm plugging, too.