Friday, January 2, 2009

40 Day Challenge

Hey guess what?? I am joining Katie in the Love Dare 40 Day Challenge!! I am so excited! If you are interested in joining in, hop on over to her blog and e-mail her and she will e-mail you daily! There is also a book that you can buy, but I know me, I will keep forgetting to buy the book and then before I know it, this challenge will be an after thought!

Here is what Katie had to say: "The Love Dare is a 40 day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It's time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage. Take the Dare."

How easy!

Katie has already e-mailed me and I thought that if I wrote it out and everyday hung it on the bathroom mirror, it would be no excuse in forgetting! Hey, how can you forget this when it is there in your face every time you enter your bathroom!!


Annette said...

Oh Goodie!!! I am so excited. Now you will have to help me get this on my blog...HeHe. You know me being new to the bloggy thing and being computer illiterate!!!!

Greg C said...

Wow that is a really big challenge. I am not sure if I could hang in there for 40 days. Let me sleep on it please.

Kelly said...

Good for you. I am getting ready to start 40 days of Love by Rick Warren, which I suspect may be a similar study. I am starting that in mid-Feb. First we are going to do a study of Song of Solomon (the "love" chapter of the bible) and plus I am trying to read the entire bible this year (in my spare time.)

So I won't be able to join you. But I am glad to MEET you through ISWYS. And we have some mutual friends, Linda @ 2nd Cup, and Greg, and Annette is a brand new friend to me. So are you.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck:) What was the challenge today? Chatty Kelly has the cutest dogs have you seen them, just like Ginger:) I really need to create a blog so I can quit being anonymous:(
