Monday, January 19, 2009

Diet & Almost Meeting Of My Maker

Well, it's Monday and I guess I will start with a diet update. Today I stepped up on that dreaded scale, closed my eyes, begged God said a quick quick prayer and then I opened my eyes. I lost ZERO pounds. Yep, that's a big ZERO! Oddly, I am pretty happy, considering I fell of the wagon and my feet got caught in the spokes and I was was drugged most of the weekend down cheating lane! So the official count is 2 pounds. Oh well, I view it as a victory in some sort of sick way!!

No school Friday due to the frigid temperatures, no school today due to Martin Luther Jr and no school tomorrow due to snowy conditions. Speaking of snowy conditions....I had a near death experience on my way home. Yep, I live down a very steep driveway and this afternoon I sat at the top of said drive way looking down five hundred feet to my home covered in snow, along with the road I must travel. What to what I was thinking, so I called Hubby and asked if it would be okay for me to get home, or should I park the Jeep and walk?

I can tell you I really did not want to walk, for two reasons. First, I did not wear a jacket and all I had on was a long sleeve, thin shirt, dress pants that were not heat friendly and dress shoes. I would of froze to death. Second, needless to say there would of not been much walking but only butt sliding to get home, but if it were to save my life I would of endured freezing temps and a raw rear end!

Hubby assured me that I would be is the conversation

Hubby: "The Jeep is in 4-wheel drive, you will be okay"
Me: "Should I put it into 4 low to be extra safe, I don't want to die?"
Hubby: "If that makes you feel better, yes."
Me: "How do I get it into 4 low?"
Hubby: (irritated) "Put the Jeep in neutral, pull the level down into low...put the Jeep back into drive."
Me: (irritated) "I know that I have to put it back into Drive." "I am still scared."
Hubby: "What ever you do, do not slam on the brakes if you get scared."
Me: "I'm scared, but okay, I can do this...I will call when I get into the house."
Hubby: "Love you.'
Me: "Love ya too, I'm scared, good-bye."

So I sit there a minute and ponder if I should walk or not, and then, with mustard seed faith, I put the Jeep into drive, round the first corner and SLID! Yep, a big side way slide! Mustard seed faith is now throw out the window and the first thing I do is slam on the brakes! It made it worse, so then I screamed, prayed, screamed and then screamed some is a close rendition to how it went...


So what happened? My Jeep straighted up and I was heading to a somewhat not steep part of my road, where I thought I would stop and park my Jeep and walk the rest of the way, so what happens when you try to stop a Jeep on a steep snowy hill? You start to slide again!! So here is what I did.......


I made it, eventually, into the house after I made a brief stop to kiss the ground on the way in. Do you think my three kiddos would run to my shaking body and love on me since they almost lost their mother??? No, they laugh at me!! My expert 16 year old teenage driver proceeds to tell me everything I did wrong, between his laughing. My 14 year old informs me he knew I would freak out and slide, and the youngest tells me, I told you the road was bad! Miniature men, ughh! (Sorry BFF)

So I called hubby to tell him about my near death experience and you know what? He is sleeping on the couch tonight!!!! Enough said! I will wake him up in the morning to drag me to work, because I will not ever do this again!! I am through driving! At least until Spring!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Lord Have Mercy I would have been screaming my head off. Ya'll need to install some pully type elevator to transport ya'll up and down the hill to your vehicles that are parked safely at the top:) Hey did ya get my package?

sara said...

and that is why I am glad I live in the South!!!! Now see a picture from atop the hill would have been a great 365 post!!! or a video of you screaming....

Greg C said...

No offense taken. Snicker. I can just see all that happening. I would maybe have laughed too but only after I knew you were safe.

I am starting a new exercise challenge today which should help get my diet going again. I am very competitive.

Jeanette said...

I had to check out your complete profile to see where you are from. When I read TN my first thought was, "oh, that is why she is freaking out!" No offense dear but that was hilarious!! May I ask how much snow you guys have?

I'm thinking maybe you should have your kids drive you around - you have done it for years right? It's your turn to relax and let them do it!!


Just like Jeanette, I had to figure out you were down south! I'm from Wisconsin, so sliding around in 4wd is next to breathing, but I can imagine it was pretty scary for you! If your men laugh at you next time, tell them they can't have the couch, you'll put a blanket in the bathtub for them, LOL. Here's to hoping your temps are rising, your snow is melting, and that you stay safe.

Blessings, Carolynn