Sunday, June 7, 2009


Unbelievable, is my word for the day. Actually, let me get another word in here, thud! Yep, my jaw hitting the floor, that’s the sound that makes. Wait a minute, indulge me here for a moment and allow another word that just popped into my mind, finished. You know the feeling, when you just give up, yep, I’m done!

Been one of those days, where you know who, is going to use every weapon he has to get me down! Woke up to a great morning and it’s gone downhill since. One thing after another, one action, one one jaw dropping moment, inconsiderate people, one kid projectile vomiting all over my jeep and all the occupants in it (That was the icing on the cake), hard work not appreciated, piles of laundry, kind of day!

The unbelievable, thud, finished kinda day! We all have had them.

Wait a minute….

Another word, if you will. Loved, actually I can’t stop at one, so let me start over. Loved, appreciated, forgiven, special, unique, one of a kind, mom, wife, best friend, talented, piles of laundry and a dirty house!

That is who I am….I am loved by my hubby, my kids, my cat, my dog! Appreciated for the special person that I am, for my uniqueness, my creativity, my one of a kind talents. Forgiven by The One that matters most. Piles of laundry on the floor and an unclean house to prove that our family lives here, thriving opposition, not matter what is thrown our way. Overcoming challenges and being there when one is down and upset! Yep, I am blessed, unbelievably blessed beyond my ability to fathom the extend of it all.

I’m proud to be me and all that comes with it! Big shoulders there today making me feel better, ears to listen and the most important thing is, knowing that my family loves me! My word of the day is different from the beginning of this post, my new word is lucky! I am so lucky to be me!! Wow, I feel better, I guess when you list the pros and cons of today, the pros so win!! Actually the pros of my life wins everyday!!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

well I am glad your post was theraputic ;)

Darla said...

glad you feel better. i have those days too. it's great when we realize how lucky we are to be US!

Jeanette said...

Amen! No one could say it better :}

Meredith said...

I am VERY lucky to say you are my friend!!!!! Luvie you girly! Very well sad and VERY good perspective!!!! Good for you to get it out!! I need to give you more hugs tonight!! :)