Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Poem About My Boys - Writers Workshop

I’m a newbie that has wanted to participate in Mama’a Losin’ It, Writer’s Workshop for a while now, but simply forgot every week to do it and each and every week that I forgot I would say I would do it the next, so finally, I did it!

I choose #3 and wrote a poem for the little boy in my life, actually I wrote it about all the boys in my life! Enjoy…

My life of boys began with just one
The perfect love that was second to none
The day we married our young life begun
By saying our vows under the mid day sun

Life that began as two soon became three
God would bless us with our first son to be
So tiny and small with the cutest knobby knees
He was perfect in everyway we both agreed

Our life of three would soon be a life of four
A second son on the way how our hearts soared
Quickly he came and we simply couldn’t ignore
Another perfect son that we so adored

Life was great and as busy as it could get
Oh no, WHAT, I think I need to sit
Our life of four I soon will forget
Another son is coming, I hope we make it

Our third son arrived, so cute and so small
A perfect preemie we would say to all
A tiny baby that could loudly squall
Quickly the sounds turned into crawls

How quickly we turned into a family of five
Day by day I prayed we’d survive
I begged and pleaded and loudly I cried
The writings on the wall, the day it arrived

All smiles I was, not able to contain my joy
My hubby growled at me, he was very annoyed
It was a day I look forward to and enjoyed
A vasectomy would ensure no more boys

If you want to join in, pick a prompt and check out Mama’s Losin’ It’s blog!

The Prompts:
1.) Interview a child.
(inspired by Quilao Triplets)
2.) How do you stave off boredom?
(inspired by Jenn's Pen)
3.) Write a poem for the little boy in your life.
(inspired by Life With Kaishon)
4.) Describe a memorable interview or talk about your experience trying to find a job amidst this recession.
(inspired by Lacey)
5.) Create a Help Wanted Ad.
(inspired by Jenners)


Robin Lambright said...

You are a better girl than me. The DH had the big "V" after baby number #2.

Thank You Jesus!


Jenners said...

Visiting from Mama Kats...

This was fantastic!!! Truly tells the tale of your family (love that you included your hubby) with style, humor and rhymes to boot!

MIITB said...

Great poem!!! I am always so jealous of people (i.e you :) who can write poetry well. I don't know enough words to make it work lol

Domestic Diva's Corner said...

great poem i enjoyed it very much i hope you will visit again soon and become a follower as i have

Ron Simpson said...

wonderfully done .. and inspiring .. I wrote one after reading yours .. along a different line, entitled .. That little boy I miss the most .. I will post it on my blog if you wish to read it

Mrs. Darling said...

Great poem. You truly are a poet!

CJ said...

Lovely poem for all your boys. (Even adult men are still boys at heart.) Looking forward to seeing more from you in the future.

I’m sponsoring my first GIVEAWAY. Join in here:

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

That was great. I loved the ending. LOL

Greg C said...

And no mention of your BFF. What's up with that? Ok I am joking. I enjoyed your poem right up till the last part. Ouch.