Sunday, June 21, 2009


A few Dad-ism’s to celebrate Father’s Day!  You know those ever so stern, sometimes sound advice, but usually totally sarcastic lines dad like to use with their kids…we all know some and I think we all had dad’s that like to use Dad-ism’s!  Here are a few…

Because I'm the Dad, that's why!

Go ask your mother.....

I brought you into this world, and I can take you out!

I'm a Dad, I know everything.

The sooner you learn to stand on your own two feet, the better off you'll be.

That's just the way life is, son.

You make a better door than a window!

Were you born In a Barn?

Do you think money grows on trees?

I haven’t developed gray hairs for nothing!

You are too young to understand this.  

eat that, It'll put hair on your chest.

You ain't to old for your "wants" to hurt you.

If you think it’s cold in here, go outside then come back in, it’s warmer than you think!

Those are just a few, if you have more, share them!!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

LOL Brad uses all of those.

Greg C said...

Do you think money grows on trees? I don't think I ever said I thought it did.

I will give you something to cry about????? That one makes no sense at all.

Eat everything on your plate. Just think about all those starving kids in Asia. And that is going to make me like liver?

Dad had a million one liners.