Monday, June 15, 2009

Blessings Abound & A little Less Wise

Praise the Lord!!  Woo hoo, we have raised the funds for our trip!!  Actually, after I write a $20 check tomorrow, the funds are met!  The Lord is Good, and so are those who have helped us reach our goal!!  The next 26 days that are left before we leave will be spent getting ready and prepared for our trip, mentally, physically & spiritually.

Today, DJ, our oldest had his wisdom teeth out.  You know, being 16, and ever so wise, he thought that he could basically do whatever when he got home.  So home he came, after a very successful extraction of his 4 wisdom teeth.  A quick nap was took, until the meds wore off, then it was on the computer.  Of course being the spastic sympathetic mom that I am, I warned him not to be up and to take an easy or he will crash.  It happened, he crashed, and all of the sudden he could not move and barely made it to the couch before he was totally out!  Awww, poor baby, told you so, I mean, you should always listen to your mom!!


Hopefully he will be back to himself soon, a little less wise since there are four less wisdom teeth, but back to his old self!  HA!


Anonymous said...


Annette said...

Goodness!! He certainly crashed. Congrats on raising all your funds. I know you are looking forward to the blessings that you will receive. Luvvies

Penny said...

Yea for raising your money!

And I totally understand that wisdom teeth! Had three of mine cut out last year. Best three days of sleep in my life, lol!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Yea you raised all the money, Woohoo doing the happy dance.

Poor D.J., I hope he feels better today. Should have listened to Mom she is ever so wise.

Robin Lambright said...

ahhh, poor baby, but most 16 year old young men always know everything!

but 16 year olds have a way of bouncing back quickly, I hope he feels better soon.

moving on, I am so happy that you met your fundraising goal. I know that is a huge blessing as you get ready to leave.

God is Good!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Yeah! I'm so glad you have met your goal!
I hope your son recovers quickly. Poor guy!

Greg C said...

Haha, youth. They think they know it all. Sometimes they have to learn the hard way.

Package delivered. I am so glad I was able to help you reach your goal. And even though I can't go with you, at least I will be a part of your trip and God will surely bless me for helping. He already has.