Thursday, January 7, 2010

Could Someone, Anyone Please Explain This To Me??

What is this?? Could someone please explain to me the want or desire to have pictures of yourself with a scrunched up, sideway, distorted mouth??

Before I go on any further, this is Victoria, my beautiful cousin and Annette’s baby girl from MeMe’s Ink. I didn’t feel right using someone’s picture that I did not know and my boys refused to scrunch up their lips to the side of their face for me to take a picture of.

Further more, I tried to take a picture of myself, but it must be an art to get your mouth to do that and simultaneously take a picture of yourself! HA! Anyhoo, let me move on…

When girls do this scrunched up mouth thing it usually involves a peace sign or some other kind of signal preformed with their hands…why and what do they mean?

Finally, what is the deal with these big ‘ol sunglasses? Come on, really, honestly, be truthful with me…do they look good on anyone? They remind me of bumble bee eyes on steroids.

Now let me make my point here or I guess for those that are going to explain to me why the pictures above make sense, let me explain why I don’t understand the need of distorted lips. Below are more pictures, of the same girl, without said scrunched up mouth, and some without the bumble bee on steroid sunglasses being worn.

Wow, big difference….to be fair, because any girl her age will think that she is ugly in this picture, because we have all been there when we think that no picture is good of us. Well, until we are in our thirties and we look back on the pictures of our younger self and want to cry, because we were beautiful and in my case, so very thin….anyways, here is another picture of Victoria.

Again, she is so beautiful without the scrunched up mouth thing going on. To show that I can be totally cool and try to somewhat have a little fashion sense about me….more pictures with big sunglasses, without self inflicted allergy lips.

Here is the same beautiful girl, with bumble bee on steroid sunglasses, without scrunched up mouth….such a big improvement!!

Fashion is not always our friend…I lived in the time of the Michael Jackson Parachute Pants and wore a pair with pride, ahem, so I can understand the latest fashion craze and the need to wear big ‘ol bumble bee on steroid sunglasses especially when there is no scrunched up mouth involved!.

I know there are some mothers out there that can explain to me why their daughters love to take pictures with the lips all distorted to one side. I am a mom of three boys, I am just curious to know why…

Also, mothers of girls, feel free to ask me why boys do the strange things they do, except don’t ask me why they or their rooms smell so bad, that a complete mystery to man. They just smell!


Jeanette said...

As a mom of two girls I can tell you that I have absolutely no idea why they do that face! They just do and the more friends in the picture doing that same face, the better :}

I am rolling with laughter about your last statement. We have been telling our girls for years to stay away from boys "because they have cooties and usually smell bad"!!

sara said...

I think it came with the era of I have a camera (phone) with me everywhere? my teenagers love to take weird pictures of themselves.

I have 2 boys (and a girl), and you are so right about the just smells!!

Melissa's Thoughts said...

THANK YOU! My cousin who attends UGA has a facebook. ALL of her pictures have this scrunched up mouth and peace out sign. She is such a beautiful girl and there are no "GOOD" picture of her.

Annette said...

HaHa Queenie....well said:) but she is my scrunched up mouth, peace sign throwing, big sunglass girl....I still couldn't explain why but I love her anyway...

Penny said...

It's a gansta' thing. ;) LOL.

Annette said...

I think it's a REBEL thing!!!! HeHe

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the "scrunched up face" is a expression that people initially started doing to try to be cute, but instead, it looks sour. The peace sign...well, who didn't throw peace signs at that age, or wear a peace shirt, earrings, or a long necklace with the peace charm? Just wish people would put some meaning behind what the word and symbol really means! As for the sunglasses.....don't hate! Ha ha ha! Luv ya! ;)

Robin Lambright said...

How fun! I just love watching my DD and her friends get silly.

And the smell of a boys room, well oh my stars, I still have olfactory moments when that smell will waft through my memory. Walking into my son's room was a frightening experience on a good day and one that I only did on the most dire of circumstances. It was truly a disturbing aromatic experience.
