Friday, January 29, 2010

Tennessee Is In Panic Mode At Least At The Grocery Stores

Could the weather people be right?  They called for heavy accumulation of ice and snow and by some slight miracle it might be more than an inch.  HA!

What a day it’s been and it is not even 11am yet.  This morning I head off to work and realize that the grey skies that were looming above in fact did not make it look like it was blurry.   The reason it was blurry is I forgot to put my contacts in and did not bother to put my glasses on before I left.  What a waste of time, because I am far sided and could not see the broad side of the computer screen at work.  I did a few things that I needed to before I had enough and called it quits, an hour after I got there.

So by the off chance that the weather people could be right, I hit the grocery store because Bradley turns 16 on Sunday and I needed to get the stuff for a cake.  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  Do people only shop when there is a chance of inclement weather?  It was a mad house.  You know it’s bad when you pull your buggy up to unload and the manager of the store jumps on up to unload your stuff and the 70 year old vegetable manager is bagging it as quickly as his arthritic hands would allow.

I told the slow check-out flunkie I mean young lady, that I figured the rush would of been last night, but she informed me in her raspy voice that it was and today it was worse.   I replied with a big LOVELY!  Then the vegetable manager asked why I waited until the last minute as the rest of Tennessee did.  Honesty I just figured the weather people were wrong again!  HA!  I don’t think he expected that answer.

So here's to the anywhere from a 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice and 4-9 inches of snow that should make its appearance any minute.  Too bad they were not handing out valium at our local Krogers, because after being cooped up all weekend, with snow and probably frozen water pipe, two teenagers, one eleven old and a husband….I am going to need it, BIG TIME!!

Oh…on the bright side, and not a minute to late, come back Monday morning as we begin the 90 Day Journey through the Bible!  

blessing amid chaos


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Sorry, I knew you going to the store today was probably going to require meds ;) Just the thought of you driving with no contacts or glasses had me needed some xanax.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

help help...we are stuck in the house and can't get out because those crazy weatherpeople were right!!

Ron Simpson said...

I have often contended, that our local grocers here in KY, are in league with the weathermen .. if they have an abundance of bread or milk that needs to be sold, they call the weatherman, and he predicts a chance of snow .. the bread and milk fly off the shelves (because everyone knows you cannot survive with them) .. if it isn't moving the stock fast enough, the store makes the second call and the weatherman calls for measurable snowfall .. panic ensues ..

our major local grocery, has Senior Day on Tuesdays .. Seniors get a discount .. I needed a few items recently and just ran to the grocery .. NIGHTMARE .. it was a Tuesday around the first of the month, and they were calling for snow ..

I am friends with several of the clerks and office people (it is a small town) .. one of the office guys told me he worked 15 hours that day and it was the stores biggest one day total sales EVER !

Panic shopping is so much better then impulse buying ..