Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Random Dozen

And here we go with the first Random Dozen of 2010!

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a cranky-baby-hissy-fitter, how much of a complainer are you?

I am way up there, 9.5, but I would classify myself as whiney-cranky-baby-hissy-fitter-whiney-butt!  My co-workers love me when I whine!

2. When someone else is talking, do you listen, or are you thinking about what you're going to say in response?

Great question and I would say I am a  good listener, but I am such a good talker too….for the most part I listen and also just a little, I am thinking about what to say.

3. I just deleted 1062 messages from my email account. Do you have any plans for a clean sweep this month--of anything?

My e-mail could use a good dose of spring cleaning.  The biggest thing that needs a good clean sweep is our school closet.  It has been a catch all of everything!!

4. Tell us about your perfume. Was it a gift? What does it remind you of? Do you have a signature scent?

My perfume is Beautiful by Estee Lauder.  I have worn it since I was a senior in high school.  My husband buys me a bottle every mothers day and I look forward to getting it.  One bottle lasts me a whole year.  My other signature signature scent is Bath & Body Works, White Tea & Ginger.  I love this fresh clean smell and every time I use it I get so many complements on how good I smell.

5. What is your best organizing tip for the new year?

If I had one, I would be organized!!  I don’t think I am qualified enough to give tips.  HA!

6. What is your favorite comic strip?

It would have to be Garfield!

7. Do you sleep with a fluffy or  flat pillow?

I sleep with a big ‘ol fluffy feather pillow.

8. What color is your kitchen? Why did you choose that color?

My kitchen is a very light pale blue.  I choose the color from The Lettered Cottage blog.  I am also painting my kitchen cabinets black because of her kitchen redo!

9. What’s the most interesting bumper sticker you’ve seen?

“My child is on the honor roll at the Tennessee State Prison”

10. Do you prefer an expensive writing tool or whatever is lying around? (Are you a Montblanc or a Papermate?)

I love a rough writing pen or pencil.  So I guess when it comes to pens, the cheaper the better?

11. What chore doesn’t feel like a chore – you just enjoy it (at least most of the time)?

Cooking.  I love cooking for my family.  It brings me great joy to see them enjoying something that I made special for them.

12. If your parents often repeated themselves, what is something one of them said more than once?

“Do you think we live in a barn?  Shut the door!”  My dad was an electrician and more than anything he hated to see (or feel) that cold air escape into that hot Florida outdoors!  HA!!


Melissa's Thoughts said...

Good morning Mrs. Cranky Whinny Butt~ Just wanted to say have a nice day!!

sara said...

loved the bumper sticker! ha!

I think my parents said #12 a time or two also!

Angie said...

Highest score; you're the winner! That's how # 1 works, right?! :) (I'm 10+ on the sarcastic scale, I guess.)

I read a few who like the White Tea & Ginger. Will have to see what all the buzz is about.

I had a friend who lived in a converted barn and every time my Dad said, "Shut the door, we don't live in a barn" I wondered if my friend's parents said that.

Mocha with Linda said...

#9 is hilarious!

Stacey said...

I need to copy and paste this to my facebook but change it to my answers...your answers are funny!

Robin Lambright said...

Bumper sticker...made me LOL!

Great Random Dozen

Cathy said...

I did the same one on my #12.