Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hurry Up And Read My RD!!

Seriously I am not a bad person, just a little bit impatience.

1. How good are you at delaying gratification?

No so good…hence the extra ounces I carry around.

2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting?

Potato chips…You can’t eat just one, or at least I can’t!

3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being saintly) how patient are you?

One.  I lack big time in this area.  Although I can say I have learned to control my impatience much better on the outside as I get older, but my inners are screaming.

  4. Have you ever waited for something in life only to be disappointed upon realization of the goal/object/etc.?

Yes, I think that is just part of life.

5. Are you a person who takes shortcuts?

Oh yes…sometimes they are not to short, but I am always looking to find the quickest route.  I think this goes hand in hand with the impatience thing.

6. Which line is hardest to wait in?

Wow-mart line.  I have been know to leave the store with a buggy full of stuff sitting in line because the line would not move!  For goodness sakes, they have like 50 registers and make a ka-zillion dollars a day, seems like they would hire a few more check out people.  One of the many reason I try to avoid going there all together!

7. Did you wait to discover the gender of your unborn child until its birth?

Nope….one of those impatience things again…could not stand not knowing what I was having.

8. Are you more patient with children or the elderly?

Goodness, thanks Linda, I am really looking bad here, but again, I have patience with my children to a degree, but others kids, not so much.  The elderly depends on if they are grouchy or not.  As long as they are behaving and not on some tangent, I can handle the elderly!  So I guess I have more patience with the elderly.

9. Did you ever sneak a peek at a present?

Every chance I get.  I think that’s why my presents are always kept away from me until the last minute cause when their backs are turned, I am sneaking a big peak!

10. What is the longest you've ever waited for anything?

Nine months to have a baby….just can’t rush those things to much!

11. Who has more patience, you or your significant other?

Again, hands down, my hubby…sickening, but I think with time I have been wearing him down!

12. Which of the following songs about waiting is your pick for the best? (OK, you may substitute another, if you like.)
A) Anticipation by Carly Simon
B) The Waiting by Tom Petty
C) Right Here Waiting for You by Richard Marx
D) Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James

Waiting is the hardest thing to do, so it must be “B”. 


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

You not patient, say it ain't so ;) I hear ya about Wally World, drives me nuts they can't open more lines.

Greg C said...

I am a chip-aholic too and I am having some as I type this. Fun list BFF.

Angie said...

Potato chips are a challenge for me, as well.

Wow-mart! I feel ya on this one.

You sneak peeks without regret! Funny.

Have a great week!

Nel said...

Enjoyed your answers! Thanks for sharing.

until next time... nel

Mocha with Linda said...

Amen to #6! So funny.

Robin Lambright said...

I "waited" until today to read your answers because I wanted to be "patient" and "anticipate" what I thought you would say.

Your to funny girl, loved you answers.

Random Dozen is just way too much fun!
