Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Bible In 90 Days

blessing amid chaos

Thanks for joining us on our journey through the Bible in 90 days. We are so excited that you have joined us. Before we get started, I wanted to cover a few things…

At the end of this post will be a Mister Linky to sign. Encourage others that are embarking on this journey and each week there will be some questions so if you will answer these question and sign in with Mister Linky others can read about your 90 day journey through the Bible and encourage you as well.

Before you get started reading your Bible each day, I recommend for you to say a prayer such as this: “Gracious Father, thank you for the gift I hold in my hands. May your Spirit fill me and interpret your precious words for me as I read. In your Son’s name I pray. Amen.”

I encourage you to do what you can to alleviate distractions so that you can reach your goal of reading each word attentively.

Read whenever is best for you. Some will read first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed. Others will read at various times during the day and/or each night. Some will read their daily quota all in one sitting. Others will space their reading throughout the day, reading a page or two in several sittings. Try more than one approach; one of the benefits of doing this reading is becoming comfortable with reading your Bible at any time.

What if you get behind? That seems to be the biggest question with reading the Bible in 90 days. First, try not to get behind! But if you do, there is one very important rule about catching up: Do not skip any pages! There are two reason for this rule: (1) If you skip anything, by definition you will not have read your Bible cover to cover, which is the goal. (2) If you skip anything, you are unlikely to go back and read what you skipped, so again, you won’t end of reading the entire Bible.

So what if you get way behind? If you happen to get more than a day or two behind, set aside a large block of time during the day, Sundays are particularly good to “plow through” the reading! This may seem more like a chore than a spiritual experience, but you will probably be surprised by the insights you glean from this. As importantly, after a day or so of reading this way, you’ll be caught up! Remember, too, that God’s work sometimes seems like, well, work. Reading the Bible from cover to cover is a challenge, however, when this challenge is met, you’ll be glad that you persevered!

Okay, I know that was a lot to cover, but I wanted to make sure that I answered as many questions I could and provide many with a strategy if they needed one. Remember to sign the Mister Linky and “YOU CAN DO IT!!”

Without further ado, here are the weeks verses:

Monday: Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 16:16

Tuesday: Genesis 17:1 through Genesis 28:19

Wednesday: Genesis 28:20 through Genesis 40:11

Thursday: Genesis 40:12 through Genesis 50:26

Friday: Exodus 1:1 through Exodus 15:18

Saturday: Exodus 15:19 through Exodus 28:43

Sunday: Exodus 29:1 through Exodus 40:39

Until next week…


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Yay, I am starting today and I blogged about it. I hope we get a lot of support, because as my post says some of the Bible totally confuses me, but lots of things confuse me so what's new right ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Patrice, Jenny... I'm reading! I'm spreading mine throughout today since I'm sick & can't seem to focus very long. So far so good. I think I'm on Chapter 7 or 8. Jenny I get confused too. Even once all the names were being thrown at me I though, wow, I need to make a list! Happy reading! Blessings ~~

Anonymous said...

Patrice - is your page different? Did you get a new layout?? Or am I just forgetting what it looked like!?

Patrice and Higgins said...

Crystal, I agree the names throw me for a loop! Yes, new look for February! :o) I get bored and need change! HA!

Amber said...

I'm reading!! I can't wait to get started this is an awesome idea!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I don't know what happened tonight, but I haven't been able to put it down. I guess it's the Lord's blessing me with understanding. I'm on Chapter 48 & not once have I felt like putting it down or felt fatigued whlie reading. I'm so blessed that it captivated me... I'm finally putting it down b/c I can feel my eyes/brain getting sleepy, but what a night! What a story so far... I'm so sorry I've never read the Bible before =(

Kris Hughes said...

So excited to start this! I'm infamous for starting and not finishing Bible reading plans! I pray that this will be the time that I finish!

Katie said...

I Blog hopped over! I am excited about this too. Today, I have been getting caught up.

Looking forward to the next few months.