Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 Things To Do When Bored

Mama's Losin' It

I am joining the Writer’s Workshop today and the prompt I chose was: 

Write a list of 10 things that can be done to stave off boredom.

I had so much fun with this that I am thinking of getting bored so I can do some of these…now not to be so busy to be bored!!!

  1. Get a tootsie pop and see how many licks it takes to get to the center of the tootsie pop.tootsie-pop-owl

  2. Go through the English dictionary looking up really long words like discombobulated and then try to use that word in a sentence at least 5 times.
  3. Think really hard about a friend or someone close to you and see if they pick up your vibe and give you a call.  When they don’t call them!
  4. Learn to peel a banana with your feet.
  5. Post something on Facebook about how bored you are and see what your friends suggest.
  6. See how long you can hold your breath.
  7. Write a letter to someone using only letters cut from newspapers and magazines.
  8. Read a novel from beginning to end in one sitting.
  9. Whistle the first seven notes of “It’s a Small World” incessantly.
  10. Call and order pizza and ask if you get to keep the pizza box and when they say “yes”, heave a huge sigh of relief!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

girl you are crazy, but I love you :)

Jeanette said...

10 is my fav :}


Maureen said...

LOL what a hilariously funny list. Love it! Thanks for sharing. :D

Robin Lambright said...

I would be totally discombobulated if I received a letter cut out of nwspaper clippens (don't they call those ransome notes??)asking me to stop whisting while I'm eating pizza.

but then I might be a little bored right now...
