Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Random Dozen

Of course jump on over to Linda’s spot and check out the others Random Dozen or join in if you haven’t! 

And Away We Go

1. So I was thinking about how Jon Bon Jovi never seems to age much. His hair is smaller nowadays, but he still manages to look like a boy somehow. And then that made me think of the story of Dorian Gray. Question: If you physically lock in one age for yourself, which would you choose and why?

It would definably be an age that I was skinny!!  HA!  I guess it would be after my oldest was born.  I felt really good, both physically and mentally.  I still had energy to keep with with life and also young enough to be oblivious enough not to know the when I couldn't!

2. What is the best dish that you cook or bake (your piece de resistance?)

Hmm, I have a few piece de resistance!  I think my hubby and kids like home made peppermint mocha the best!  The second runner up would be my spinach potato soup!  Yum-o, I am hungry now!

3. When you feel blue, what is one strategy you use to help yourself back to normal?

I have to remind myself that I am truly blessed having such a loving and supportive husband and three wonderful healthy boys,  and at the end of the day, that is all that matters!!  Puts things in perspective for me!

4. When was the last time you danced in public?  

Hmmm, I can’t remember, I might have to get a little jig at the grocery store on the way home from work!

5. Do you consider yourself a realist or dreamer?

A little of both…??  I really could not say.

6. As a parent, what is one thing that you have done well?

This is hard, and I think that for most it is hard to answer.  I just asked April (my cuz), what she thinks I have done well as a parent.  She said I am always good at making my kids a priority in my life.   I feel that sometime, I just do not do enough.  I do try to teach my boys, first and foremost to love God, whole heartily, no reserve, love Him and commit you life to Him.  Be respectful to adults, yes sir, thank you’s and alike.  Hold the door open for ladies and always, always, no matter what, love your mama!  If you do those, life is good and mama is happy.  So far, they have excelled for the most part in all of these thing.

7. Which is your favorite character on the Andy Griffith show?

Aunt Bee

8. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you know about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

I have a dream….sad but I would rate myself as a 4.

9. Have you never been mellow? Have you never tried … to find a comfort from in side you? REAL question: What is your #1 driving pet peeve?

People driving in the fast lane going the same speed as the person beside them and not being able to get by…GGRRRRRR, drives me nuts!  Also, for goodness sakes, if you are at WOW-mart, please just park your car and do not wait for the person that is loading their groceries with 3 kids in the buggy.  You could of parked you car at the road and walked your sorry butt in the store before they ever get done loading the car.  It makes it hard for others to get by when you are parked in the middle of parking lot!!  Wow, my road rage is really getting the best of me!

10. Which color best represents your mood today? Care to elaborate?

Is there a color for scattered, busy and needs a direction but is to busy to realize which direction I need to go?? I see that color as being orange…or maybe purple?  I am not sure what that color would be…any suggestions?

11. If your spouse were an animal, which would he/she be?

A cat.  They sleep all day, and in a pinch they can catch their own food!  Oh I was talking about me, I would want to be cat!  HA!! 

After re-reading the question, my hubby would be a grouchy Chihuahua!!  Grouchy Chihuahuas love their sleep, snips at those who are a threat or mean to their owners and loves their owners like nobody's business!!  That my husband!!  Ha ha ha!!

12. What activity takes up the bulk of your time on an average day?

Besides work, TV and internet.  I need to unplug some.


Greg C said...

Is that you growling at me in traffic? LOL I see we are both married to cats. haha

Joyce said...

I think Linda is going to need to put out a random cookbook : )

I'm with you on slow drivers in the fast lane!

Thena said...

Love your wal-mart rage answer. Makes you want to pull a fried green tomatoes moment on them.

Lazy Daisy said...

What a cute blog. I loved your answers. I said Aunt Bea too!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I dislike those people at WOWmart too... I was laughing hysterically at what animal Jeremy would be..ahahahahahahaahaha..

Jeanette said...

Giggles! Patrice, you are so funny!!

Penny said...

No. 11 made me seriously laugh -- mainly because my parents have a grouchy Chihuahua, lol!!!

Jerralea said...

I share your Wal-Mart rage answer. I hate it when someone is waiting for me to load my car with the groceries!

I had to chuckle at your grouchy Chihuahua answer!