Thursday, December 17, 2009

Birthday, Random & Nephew

Buckle up for a wild ride of randomness…

Yesterday was my sweet hubby’s birthday!  Yay, for another year older and boo for the thinning hair that comes with it.  This morning as I kissed him goodbye as he slept, I noticed that he was really thinning out on thee ‘ol noggin.  Of course, being the ever loving and concerned wife that I am, I woke him up to point it out to him!!  HA!  There was not much love from him this morning….I wonder  why??

Anyhoo, birthdays for kids are so much fun and they can’t wait for each year so they can reach that next milestone, whichever one it might be.  But, for us adults, it’s not that much fun anymore.

So are y’all done with your Christmas shopping and/or decorating??  I can proudly say I am almost done shopping and hopefully, fingers crossed will finish the task tonight!  I have one child left to get a couple of things for and my Christmas shopping is officially in the books for 2009.

As for decorating…not so much.  I have been really wiped out this year and have not finished decorating yet.  I keep trying to figure out if I should even try or just stop with the decorations that I have up.   I have managed to get the living room done and the tree up in the kitchen.  Joey got his tree up by himself and I need to hang a few more ornaments on his.  As for the others, I don’t think I have the energy to do it. The cat keeps getting things off the trees for Higgins to destroy it anyways, so what is the point?  I might just have to call it done and officially put the decorating in the books for 2009 as well!

Well I guess will close this random, crazy, all over the place post with something our nephew Ryan said.  It’s just to cute not to share!!  Enjoy!

My husbands sister, Amy, has two little boys, Joseph and Ryan.  They were singing Away In A Manger in the car.  Joseph was singing “Away in a Manger” and Ryan (age 4) was singing “Away from the danger” and Joseph told Ryan he was singing it wrong.  Ryan quickly told him, no he wasn’t cause Jesus was hiding from the solders!

I just love this kid….too cute!!