Monday, December 7, 2009

Circle Of Friends


Aww…shucks, I am so honored! 

To my wonderful surprise this morning, while blog stalking, I came across this little wonderful “Circle of Friends” award that Robin @ Be Still and Know left for me.  I get so excited to get these little awards.  I am not sure why, but excited I get.  Almost like Christmas morning excited!  HA!

Anyhoo, I need to list five things that I love and then pass this award on to 5 bloggers.  Easy peezy, lemon squizzy!! 

Five things I love, in no particular order:

1.  I love this time of year!  Everything from Christmas trees,  children Christmas musicals, nativities, the excuse to drink peppermint mochas each and every day (not that I need an excuse, because I already do!) to the smells and the wonderfulness that this season brings!

2.  I love my dog!!  Yes, it would not be right to not mention my deep love for Higgins…(quiet Greg!).  I have been and will always be the biggest cat lover that there is, but there is just something special about my mantastic Chihuahua, Higgins!!

3.  I love waking up to snow.  Saturday morning when I opened my eyes the first thing I saw even before my head left the pillow was the slow covered branches on the trees and hillsides covered with a blanket of snow.  It make me smile!

4.  My hubby and boys.  This goes without saying, but y’all they are just wonderful! 

5.  Farming on Facebook!  Silly I know, but it brings me joy!!

I am now sending this award on to these special bloggers, again, no particular order:

1.  Greg @ Greg’s General Store

2.  April @ Living to Love

3.  Tara @ Tara's 2 Cents

4.  Jeanette @ Our crazy kids... I mean life!

5.  Melissa @ Melissa's Thoughts