Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Christmasy Random Dozen

1. Gingerbread: For or against? Discuss.

Not a big fan of gingerbread…not my cup of tea, or coffee or better yet, not my cup of peppermint mocha!  HA!

2. Is it important to you to always stay (live) close to family?

No, I think it’s better to live apart  The distance keeps them out of your daily life and there is no interference and comments on what you may be doing, that they may have an opinion on.  It also makes visits very special because you miss your loved ones.

3. Which holiday pretend character do you wish really existed?

The first one that came to my mind was the Grinch…but I see grinches every time I go Christmas shopping…so they must really do exist!!

4. Which holiday movie best represents how you feel about Christmas or life?

It would have to be “It’s a Wonderful Life”.  There is so much to be thankful for!!

5. Is there a particular Christmas song that you're enjoying now? Any that you're tired of?

I always love hearing “Mary Did You Know” and get goose bumps and tears each time I hear it.  I am getting really tired of  “Sleigh Ride”…I think that is the name of it.  It plays 100 times a day.

6. What is your favorite way to remember those less fortunate at Christmastime?

Remembering those less fortunate at Christmas time is always a challenge.  I like giving gifts anonymously, but sometimes it hard to be able to get it into their hands without being caught! 

7. Does it upset you to see "Xmas" instead of Christmas? How about "Happy Holidays" etc., instead of "Merry Christmas?"

Yep, I get pretty tore up about it!   Our society is so busy trying to get Christ out of Christmas.  The other day while checking out of Wow-mart, the check out guy told me “Happy Holidays” and in return, I said “Merry Christmas” to which he made a point of saying, ‘No, Happy Holidays” and again I said have a “Merry Christmas” as I walked away.  GIVE ME A BREAK!  For me it’s Christmas, to him it’s holidays, I am tired of having to respect society's view of Christmas, when it’s the celebration of Christ’s birth not just another holiday or a day off of work.  If he wants to say holidays fine, say it…if I want to say Christmas, let me….I am getting worked up here, it’s a touchy subject with me!!

  8. How many Christmas programs are you attending this month?

2, one adult and one children's program.

9. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Any chance of that dream becoming a reality?

A white Christmas is always dreamed about.  We live in Tennessee so it may become a reality and then again it might not!  We’ll keep our fingers crossed!

10. Tell me about a Christmas present you received as a child. Pictures are always nice.

SDC11735 SDC11734 I was very young when I received this kitty.  My Grandfather gave it to me.  When I first received this kitty it had beautiful white fluffy fur.  I carried it everywhere I went and over time it got dirty and needed a bath.  After it was washed the cat’s hair then turned into more of a matty mess, but it didn’t matter to me!!  I would wrapped my hand around it’s body right under the front legs and where I carried it, the stuffing is non existent.    This along with a baby doll is such a cherished treasure!

11. How many Christmas parties are you attending this month?

So far I have attended three and one more to go.

12. How do you keep yourself centered on the significance of Christmas?

Sometimes I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the rush of this season that I can lose sight of the Christmas season.  To get centered is not that difficult for me.  Seeing and hearing my youngest talk about Jesus and his birthday will always get me right where I need to be!!


H-Mama said...

I love that you still have the gifts of your childhood. So special.

2cats said...

I also like your pick of Christmas songs. It is one I usually forget until I hear it.

Greg C said...

I can't believe that you still have that kitty. (my son is 18 and still has his but don't tell anyone) Great list.