Sunday, December 20, 2009


The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 9:9

I had a pretty bad day yesterday. I think that I have had an attack of not only the blues, but some bit of maybe a tiny stomach bug as well. I felt nauseas and achy all day. Maybe it was God’s way of getting my attention and actually keeping me put for the day. Either way, it worked. Jeremy had to work yesterday, so for the most part, I laid on the couch and watched Animal Planet all day. I had to switch it from the movie channel because each movie that came on made me cry!

Today is a new day, I still do not feel great, but today I will rejoice! There will always be trials, hurt and pain in life, knowing this is a learning experience and knowing that through this, I am learning to be patience and most importantly, learning self restraint. Two very important traits that sometimes I lack the most. I always want to jump in, mouth first and make it better. I want to find out why. It took a lot this time to sit back and not do just that.

It been a tough year and through it all, I am learning more to trust God. Trust His timing, not my own. Not an easy task for the impatient, take action and charge, emotional, think before I speak, girl that I am! HA!

Yes, today I am rejoicing for when I run into problems or situations that hurt me, I know it is a good thing. They are helping me learn to rely on Him. It is developing strength and character, which in return is helping me to trust God more and more until I am strong and steady and able to hold my head high no matter what happens!

My God loves me and in my last post I wrote that my God is big. He is so much bigger than this and I am so much bigger than this as well!

Thanks for the prayers. I have felt them working. I still ache and have a deep hurt, but time will heal and I will persevere. I will not let the devil have the victory over this. Today I claim these verses:

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Romans 5:3-5


Jeanette said...

Amen Patrice! Continued prayers....

Anonymous said...

Hmm, sounds like you're experiencing some kind of hormonal challenge. Ha ha! I'm serious, it'll do it every time! I got on a new birth control a month ago and went to the darn doctor because I had 2 panic attacks! He tried to blame it on emotional problems, I BLAME IT ON THE PILLS! Sheesh, why did God make hormones?!? ;)