Monday, March 2, 2009

Part 2 After The Final Rose: Why Jason Is An I-D-I-O-T!

Jason is a complete idiot! Let me guess, Part 2 will be Jason begging Deanna back, because he had a day to think about why his head and heart needs her more! Good government, give me a break!

For the life of me, who is the bigger idiot.....Jason or MOLLY! I would of told him to take a HIKE!! He is just going to dump you, because he is unsure of his feelings and keeps looking back rather than to his future!

Also, Bravo for Melissa! Great job holding your head up high! He is an idiot and trust me you are better off!

What about poor Ty???

Stick a fork in me, I am officially done, with the Bachelor! Too much drama and stupidity!


Living to Love said...

bwahhhahahahahah! couldn't have said it better! :o) I am cracking up at all of the people facebooking and blogging about it though!

Connie said...

I AGREE~ He is an idiot! My husband said the same thing that tomorrow it will be Deanna. I don't think I will be watching...Jason cries too much anyway Connie

Annette said...

That's hilarious!!! Yes Bravo to Melissa and poor Molly is about to be a part of Jason's past....but she is blinded I guess.

Kelly said...

I've never seen the show, but appreciate your passion about it. Isn't it funny how we get so wrapped up in total strangers lives.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

You preach it sister!! I just can't even believe that .... no I can believe they would put that on TV. I am offically hanging up my bachelor viewing. Hats off to Melissa for being a Lady.

Jeanette said...

OK, I have to be honest - I thought you were talking about one of your kids! Not a Bachler watcher and I'm glad I'm not :}

Keep preachin' it girl!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

That is why I quit watching it after the second season, they never get married and the men are idiots:)

Meredith said...

Amen sista!! Way too much drama and COME ON. I really hate that show but I got sucked in about a month ago.. and then!

Anonymous said...

I have had no idea what people have been going on about. Now I get it . . . Sorry, not a watcher either!