The story of my life these is just so chaotic at times, it makes you just want to go UUGGHHHHHHHH!
Ok I feel much better, now that is out of my system!
DJ and Bradley, my two oldest went to high school this year, which was such a blessing to me, because I really needed to spend more time with Joey. Joey has a learning disability that is across the board. He has dyslexia, has trouble with his long term memory along with a sensory disorder. So with all these combined together he struggles a bit with school. The good thing is, he much much further along than we were told he would ever be!! Whoo hoo, this is in part to a wonderful lady names Pat Schaefer who is Joey's tutor. She also has a learning disability which helps her so much to relate to these children that she works with. She is such a blessing and gives God all the credit for her wonderful abilities to work with children that struggles, as she has.
So here is my three steps back to my one step forward. DJ and Bradley have been in school for three weeks now. I really needed some time to prepare Joey's school schedule, because this year, with only Joey, we are going to be on a strict schedule with school. HA....WRONG! Three weeks in and still no school schedule. I am having such a hard time finding what will work well with him. I talked to Pat today and Joey will start tutoring on next Wednesday for a two hour block this year. Well, one more week and I will have to have my ducks in a row and get everything together. Being the procrastinator that I am, this is really pushing it for me, I really can't put this off anymore!
Now for the upside of today! I have really slacked off on my wifely duties since we came home from the Dominican. I really just could not get it together. There has been so much stress around here with family drama and just plain being worn out that I have had piles of laundry that I could not get caught up on and my kitchen looked like a small war zone. Not today, I have two loads of laundry left for the day and my kitchen is cleaned, except for mopping the floor!
Yippee! What an accomplishment! I actually cooked a wonderful lunch today for hubby before he left for work! That is another thing I have really let go, is not cooking, but today I think I finally got fed up with myself and made myself do it! Boy it feels good!
Home Style Saturday 440
7 hours ago
You go girl - come on over you seem to have all kinds of extra time and energy!!
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