Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beary Sweet Award

Wow, how exciting, I have received this special award from Carrie @
...the rest is still unwritten , so here is why and what I am suppose to do.
I received this "BEARY Sweet Blog Award" because of one or all of these reasons:
  1. Has an Inspirational Blog
  2. Blog is updated at least 2 times each week
  3. Shows faith
  4. Has a positive attitude on life
  5. Makes mistakes
  6. Share real life stories/experiences
  7. Enjoys Blogging

So what do I have to do to accept this award?? Well I have to first link back to the person that created this award and her name if Jennifer @ lots of yummy recipes on her site!!

Second I have to nominate six other blogs that I feel match one or all of the seven reason for receiving this award.

So here are the six that I choose:

  1. April @ Living To Love I chose April because I love her!! Also, she show her faith in amazing ways that inspire me!
  2. Katie @ When Hello Means Goodbye . I chose Katie because of her journey with losing her son. She is very honest with her feelings and she inspires me with her faith.
  3. Jeanette @ Our Crazy Kids...I mean Life . I chose Jeanette because I love reading her blog, she shares her life adventure with her family and I sometimes can so connect with her!
  4. Julie @ Blessed With Five . Julie is Jeanette sister, and I did chose her for that reason, the reason I chose Julie is because I just love her blog!! She also updates it at least once a day which is nice!!
  5. Nicole @ From Gummy Bear To Sweet Baby I recently found her blog and she just received news about her baby. She shows such a positive attitude about her situation.
  6. Mama Belle @ The Bayou Belles and Their Beau I chose this blog because I just plain like her!! She is very funny, honest and Inspirational!


Jennifer said...

Congratulations on your award!
Carrie is so funny and super cute!
I can't wait to learn more about you.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the award. I'll grab it and gladly post about it later this week.

Living to Love said...

Thanks Pal!!

Jeanette said...

Aren't you a sweetheart!! Thanks for the award. I will wear it, I mean post it proud!!!
