Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekend Review

Now granted, I think my Higgins is the most beautiful CHI-uauaha in the entire world, but I think after you see him and his fine driving skills that he possesses, you have to agree that not only is he a fine dog, but a very smart one too! I am sure Hollywood will be hot to hire my Higgins!! He he!

Several times Higgins wanted to take over driving, but to his dismay I had to remove him from the wheel. Hubby needed a bathroom break, so here is Higgins on high alert at the rest area.

Besides our quick trip out of state and back, it has just been a dag-gum busy week, and for the life of me, I have nothing to show for my busyiness!! No Christmas present that have been wrapped, because it is hard to wrap presents that you have not PURCHASED yet!! Ughh!! Why have I not been Christmas shopping yet? Well I was going to go Christmas shopping, but I get so irate at irritating people that I simply just give up and leave! Plus, I have not an idea where to start. It is not a good thing!

I did decide that I am going to wait until Wednesday. For those shaking their heads in utter disbelief, wait for my reasoning.....(I think this is a great time for bullets!!)

  • It's Christmas Eve and most folks should be done by now
  • It's Christmas Eve and most folks I am hoping are traveling to their Christmas destination and not out shopping like me
  • The sales should be great
  • Hubby has the day off so he can go
  • There is no need to worry about hiding presents from the kids

So what happens if all of Tennessee is shopping on Christmas Eve, just like me?? I might just shoot myself!

The issues with shopping at the last minute, you ask? Well I need to be spot on, because there is no coming back the next day to find that perfect gift...because there will be no more days to find that perfect gift! Ughhhhhh, I am stressed!!!

Okay, I have worn myself out talking about Christmas shopping, I am crazy and I am totally sure I will regret this day for the rest of my life!!

So, let me tell you about the wonderful "here's you sign" moment!! Our church does this beautiful drive-thru live nativity each year. When you pull into out circular drive at church you will see host of angels dancing and celebrating the birth of the Messiah. After the angels there are the shepherds tending to their flocks. A little ways beyond that is the manger with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus. Of course there is the donkey that carried Mary all the way to Bethlehem and a few farm animals giving up their space for the special baby and His family. After you round the corner, you are greeted by the three Wisemen with their camels.

It is so moving that the hair on your arms are raised as your travel through. I would love to show you the beautiful pictures of our Living Nativity, but I dropped my camera on the way outand for some odd reason could not get it to take pictures. Go figure!

So where is the "here's your sign" moment I was talking about? Well after it was all over and we were cleaning up, someone brought me a memory card that was found on the floor of the church. I told them I would find out who the card belonged to, so off on the great quest to find that person.

I asked the first person if they had a digital camera so I could put the card into it and see if we could recognized anyone. They did not have a camera, so I went to about three people and no luck, no one had a camera. I finally ended up in the hospitality room where there was a large crowd gathered (food, enough said) and lucky me found someone with a camera, so in we popped the card and started looking at the pictures. She told me that it was just a few of the Wisemen and Shepherds getting ready. I looked through the pictures with her and the first one was of a cat. Wow, I thought to myself, that looks just like my cat, how odd! After a few more click of pictures, I realized it was my memory card!! UGHHHHH!!

Enough said, I wear my sign with pride!!!!


Jill said...

Don't do it, Patrice! Go tomorrow! Most people have to work and those who don't have their kids at home and are not willing to go out to the craziness with kids in tow. Tomorrow is your day. I feel it!

After church, we went to lunch, then we went home for the girls' naps. I left mid nap so I could get the rest of our shopping done. I left our house at 2 and came back at 7. OHMYGOODNESS! And I only had to shop for 4 people.

Be careful. There. I said it. There's your warning. Be careful. Wednesday is when all the fretful husbands will be out shopping!

Be sure to tell James hey when you see him!

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear . . . you should have did your shopping all online!!! No crowds and you can shop in your jammies if you want!!!

Next year make online shopping your thing . . . you won't regret it!

Anonymous said...

Higgies is so stinkin cute!!!!! Yeah I am with you on last minute shopping.... that's what I will be doing but just have little left to do.


Greg C said...

That was so funny. I hate when I do something like that. We went to an office Christmas Party, Saturday night. They were giving away door prizes and they called out a number and no one answered up. This guy (who used to be my boss) said he would run inside to see if anyone in there had that number. It was #220. No one inside had it either so they called a new number. The same guy said; darn, I wanted that my's #220. Here's your sign.