Monday, December 8, 2008

Through A Child's Eyes

Christmas through a child's eyes. I wish I could go back and look through Joey's 10 year old eyes and see the magic of Christmas. As an adult I think sometimes we forget through the hustle and madness that this time of year brings that children really have it way more together than us adults. I think I will steal Greg's theory on people that inhabit this earth with us "I believe that there are morons among us", well Greg I am right there with you!

I started putting up Christmas decorations around our home, a little bit this week. I usually put a tree up in every room, but this year decided not to. I have been a little slow getting things ship shape and maybe even a little slower in getting those beautiful decorations up. Each year after Thanksgiving, the turkey is not even cold and we start yanking out all the Christmas decorations and start going hog wild. Not this year. Things are different, the excitement not as great. So instead of the usual gusto there seems to be a fizz.

NOT ANYMORE!! Starting this past weekend, we are back to ourselves with the magic of Christmas!! It takes an event to snap our adult butts into gear, and I got the snap a few days ago.

The most important thing about Christmas is the fact that our Lord sent His Son to save us from our sins. Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting. That is the reason we celebrate Christmas.

Our home celebrates the birth of our Savior, but we also celebrate the magic of Santa. Of course our teenagers do not share in the magic anymore, but Joey, oh how his eyes dance at the possibility of Santa fitting his big 'ol rump down our chimney! He loves the fact the he can not fall asleep on Christmas Eve night for the excitement of what Santa will bring. The fun of baking cookies and setting out baby carrots for the reindeer's and a tall glass of egg nog along with the special cookies that he worked so hard on! The excitement of counting down the days before Christmas and wishing for that special gift!

I found our chalk board slate that has a Santa on it last week. Each day you erase the day and fill in another on the countdown. Of course that is Joey's job and each morning he does not skip a beat. His excitement spills over when he tells others it's this many days until Christmas, and at times we have to remind him that you have told us this 15 times already, but you know what, I can remember the days that I was just like him.

My point here? You know me by now and at times I seem to ramble but there are those that just do not think. It's not their fault....I guess, they forget that words hurt little ones and sometimes it squashes that excitement! Like I said, not anymore, we are excited that there are 17 days left before Christmas!!

So celebrate Christmas through a child's eyes this year, you will be amazed of what we have forgotten as we have turned into adults! We have forgotten the excitement, or at least some have.....

Have a great & blessed day!


Greg C said...

Great post. It reminded me of the Gloria Estivan. I'm sorry I can't spell her last name but the song is Christmas through your eyes. I too remember when Christmas was special for many reasons. Many kids these days only think it is about Ipods and Xboxes. I used to love waiting for Santa and hoping to catch those raindeer on the roof. I also loved the special pagents that we did in church when we acted out the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. I miss that special feeling.

I am going back to a previous post and leaving you a note. Check back please.