Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Attention Linda!! ISWYS

How do you treat a hangover from a wonderful wacky carnival called "I See What You're Saying"?

Starbucks!! Not just one, but 2! Yep, that's right, this morning, I went to Starbucks and ordered TWO Grande Peppermint Mocha's, one normal and the other extra hot to make sure it was just like I like it when I got around to drinking it!

So what happens when you drink two Starbucks and then have a staff meeting?? Well I can tell you my eyeballs were beyond floating!! I almost fell trying to get to the bathroom!! TMI, I know!

Anyhoo, what am I trying to get at?? My point here is I love doing the ISWYS carnival!! I am already plotting my next one because my BFF Greg has inspired me! So Linda....Linda....LINDA!! Are you listening??? Get the other one on the calendar so I can execute my video! I already have a staff of videographers standing by to help me!! Yep, I have hired a crew for the next one and I am in the process of getting Higgins wardrobe ordered!! He he!! What fun!!!

The caffeine is really starting to get to me, so I guess I need to end this before I do something crazy!!!


Jeanette said...

Before you do something crazy? Honey, I think that second cup of coffee is more than you can take :}


Anonymous said...

I can see this now, you're going to crash in a few hours and sleep the rest of the night! At least that's what I do, ha ha.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

You are TOO fun! Wish we could go to Starbucks together. I'd buy you a 3rd just to see what happens! This is actually funny because I'm writing a little about caffeine overload tomorrow. Anyway, we will definitely do this again, but I'm too pooped to pick a date for spring. Or summer. I've got to figure out a way to help people post their videos because so many had such trouble that I felt bad. Glad you loved it.

Annette said...

This time I will be prepared with makeup and maybe I won't look so much like an lien

Liz said...

Oh my goodness! I love the peppermint mocha, but I can't even drink a grande. I guess I can't hold my mocha. LOL! I had one this morning, too, but I loathe the lady who made it because she can't seem to get it right. Tasted awful the last two I've purchased when she made them. She also likes to leave her perfume scent on the lid. Gag! This lady is a travesty to all that is sacred at Starbucks.

Greg C said...

I am doubling up on the coffee this morning too. I was good last night but I am just a little tired this morning because I usually don't stay up that late. I am ready to do it again too. The vlog that is.