Friday, July 11, 2008

Just Randon Rambling

Well for those who are dying to know, there are 7 days left until we depart for our mission trip to the Dominican! Yes, I am still apprehensive about the flight, despite my best efforts to be totally positive. My theory is now, if I die on the flight, I am that much closer to heaven!! Of course, if the plane crashes, I'm back to the original departure towards heaven, so I guess my logic is not very logical!

We started our pre-trip mission journal today, and for each day there are six pictures of different types of cartoon characters and we need to circle one which best represents how we are feeling towards the up-coming mission trip. The lowest has it's tongue sticking out, then up from that there is one crying, one moping, one with a creepy trying to be happy, but struggling smiling, one with a happy face and of course one that has it's hands raised in the air. So trying not to be a nerd, and really, I am excited about the trip, but totally freaking out at the same time, I picked the moping guy. I did not want to be cheesy and pick the one crying even though I do tend to get teary at times at the thought of the trip. Picking one that's higher up and more excited is not really where I am at I guess the guy I picked best represents me for now. I wish that they had one with wide eyes and a plane in the back ground! I think I will draw that one in!!

So anyways the bible study will be on the verses Ephesians 4:22-25 and we will spend the next 25 days or so on these verses. So today I am really trying to focus on what speaks to me the most in these verses which is take on an entirely new way of life - a God fashioned life. I am not really sure why this part struck me today, but it did, so maybe it will come to life for me in the next few days.

I decided to spend my daily bible time leading up to the trip doing my journal sitting on the front porch. Maggie, my little dog, decided to enjoy a little bible reading also, so I snapped a picture of her appearing to read the cute not to share!

Also, check out the crazy humming bird feeders! I brought a fancy (expensive one) and then a cheap $2 humming bird feeder at the co-op and those crazy humming birds are wiping out the cheap one and not even touching the other!! The nerve, apparently they do not have expensive taste! What a waste of money!! He he!

Also, check out what I did in my bathroom today! I can't wait for Jeremy to get inspired as he now sits on his throne!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Patrice . . . Thank you for stopping by my blog - Too bad you have never watched Laverne and Shirley! It was one of my favorites growing up!

I am going to have another contest soon - maybe you will be able to try for that!

Your little dog is cute!

Unknown said...

hahahahah!!! I love those crosses! Im gonna copy you!