Monday, July 14, 2008

Blog Mission Tour

Why do I blog and what do I expect to get out of my blogging experience? Becoming Me has started this Blog Mission and I thought I would join in and attempt to answer why I blog.

April, my dear, wonderful, try anything, do anything and usually is successful at everything, cousin, talked me into it!! (did I mention she just started a business....check out her blog) April started a blog to share with others about their adoption journey and I was drawn to it.

The reason I started to blog, was just to have a release and connect with others about everyday life happenings. If you read my blog you will see that my son DJ and I are leaving Saturday morning at 6:10am for a mission trip to the Dominican Republic and having some fears I thought it would be a great place to share my feelings about the up-coming trip and to also, get some great sound advice and encouragement from others, through this journey we are about to embark on and other journeys, past and present that life has in store!

So that's why I blog, but what do I get out of it. Friendships with others that I would of never met in person, peace of mind that I am not the only one with a crazy family, informing family of what is going on in our neck of the woods that we do not get to see or talk to one a everyday basis and just plain having fun doing it!

So here is my Mission Statement for my blog:
  • To make friends and be there through their ups & downs in life, praying & praising the Lord for their individual pain and victories.
  • Sharing what's going on in my life and hoping others are lifting me up as well.
  • Just plain having fun, writing about my crazy adventures. It is like having a therapy session without paying the big bucks $$$!!
  • It's great to vent and equally fun to share!
  • One of the most important things is to let others know that I love my God. I am not perfect and never will be, but in everything I do, I always try to bring honor and glory to Him in every situation. Good or bad, my faith stays strong!
So there it is, my reasons for blogging!


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Thanks so much for participating. Wonderful mission. I really enjoyed visiting your blog!

Anonymous said...

Dominican Republic - Wow - what a mission trip! Hope all goes well!