Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bradley's Idea Of Fun

Well Bradley loves outside, hunting, guns and all things that might include a gun. He just added another gun to his collection and has been bugging us to death for a little bit of shooting practice!

Let me say, I hate shooting practice because it seems that every time we shoot I get a gun that is so loud and that kicks so hard that my ears and body vibrates for days. So when Jeremy and Bradley deemed it shooting practice day, I started the whine! I mean the big time, I don't want to do it, I need to go to the grocery store and I need to fix lunch, and I need to wash clothes, you know all the stuff I know I am not going to do! It did not work.

Sooooo, I whined all the way out the door, with the hearing protection over my ears, so I did not have to listen to them, and hopefully in my mind I was so wanting to drive them nuts with my continually whining about everything. I complained all the way down the road about the heat, my shoes and the two baby goats that kept trying to trip me. I do not even think that I bothered them, but I like to think I drove them nuts!!
The target is set, Bradley shots, and I do not think he hits the target. Then shots again and when when we checked there were a few holes, out of the target range. So Jeremy shots....misses the target!! He he!
So here it is, the competitive nature in me, I know that I can hit this target, how hard could it really be!! So I take the gun, whine a little of course because I am afraid that it will hit my shoulder hard and then I start shooting!! Yep, I hit the target!! A lot!! So Bradley takes over the gun and yes, he did do better than me, but not much!!

See those two holes on the 7....yes, those are mine. See all those holes all around the top on the left, yep those are mine also!! I think I did pretty good!!