Monday, May 3, 2010

This Blog Hiatus Was Sponsored By Pure Exhaustion…But I’m Back!

I took a week off from blogging.  Not because I think blogging is exhausting but because my life lately has been.  I used to think that raising three small boys all under the age of 5 was hard….NOT.  Raising an almost 18 year old, a 16 year old  and a 12 year old is a completely exhausting adventure.

DJ will be graduating from high school in less than a month and will be 18 in almost 2 months.  Where has time flown?  We are busy getting ready for the influx and furry of activity that comes with graduation, a graduation party and then getting him ready for college in the fall.

Bradley is the typical driving 16 year old.  I pray everyday that he will be safe.  When he leaves I worry the entire time until he arrives home.  Just this past Thursday he was involved in a minor wreck.  He is so innocent that he just does not realize the consequences of his actions and one wrong split second decision could affect his life forever.  Thankfully he was okay and all parties involved, but after spending 2 1/2 hours of my life speaking with a sheriff officer about what happened, I think Bradley might of learned his lesson.  Hopefully.

Joey is still pretty much smooth sailing with only a minor pre-teen attitude that sneaks up here and there.  Poor child, being the youngest boy, he will not have a prayer with us.  We are on him like white on rice!!

So I took break from blogging last week because sometimes parenting can be tough.

Today I am back.  We have had an interesting weekend here in Tennessee with torrential amounts of rain fall.  Many roads are flooded and interstates were/are closed in some areas.  We stayed in most of the weekend except for heading out to church on Sunday.  We broke out a puzzle that was been sitting on a shelf for months just waiting for the perfect opportunity to work on it.  All in all, it was the perfect end from an exhausting week.


BARBIE said...

I know what you mean. I think it's been more exhausting raising my teens and pre-teens than when they were babies. We have lots in common. My daughter just graduated HS last year. My son just turned 16 but is not driving just yet. I also have a 9 year old daughter and a 6 year old son. Sometimes we just need a break. I am glad you are back! Your lovely blog header makes me smile!

Unknown said...

Looking at your life and others, gives me a good idea of what I'd like in my life- To honour the King, to grow towards Christ along side one amazing woman, and to serve and honour my family.

The blessings will continue :).

Robin Lambright said...

Everybody needs a break now and then. My laptop is down for the count so my blogging has been very limited as I find it very difficult to use the desk top, most of my blogging time was devoted to mornings as we watch the news or evenings after dinner again watching television. The joy of multitasking!

I totally agree with you. I know raising young children is exhausting with the constant demand on your physical energy, however the emotional and heart wrenching toll of raising teenagers is much more traumatic and difficult in my book!

Glad you're back!