Monday, May 10, 2010

I’m A Failure

All I can say is thank goodness for Monday morning and hallelujah that this weekend is over!  Strange coming from a mom of three wonderful boys and coming off what should of been a fantastic Mother’s Day weekend, except it was not fantastic and my boys were anything but wonderful, well one faired well through the day, the other two bombed big time in the “good son” category!

This post lets you know that I am a failure as a mother and basically at life.  What most mothers woke up to was breakfast in bed, children smiling and handing over homemade cards telling her how much they love her and lots of hugs and kisses for the one that gave them life, and maybe a gift, be it ever small,  a token of appreciation.  But mine were all still snoring in their beds when I finally arose, getting ready for church.  Although when the youngest woke up, he was devastated because I beat him out of the bed and quickly made me toast with strawberry jelly for my special day and handed over a typed out cards, so he gets major brownie points for that!

Then is typical Sunday morning fashion, we all, especially me are screaming at each other.  Why Mother’s day is on Sunday and not Saturday, I will never know.  So basically we left for church in a huff and I can say it pretty much went down hill from there.

All I can say good about yesterday, was I made the most awesome spinach dip EVER on this planet and ate until I was almost sick!  So basically I am a failure as a mother, but ate good!

Anyhoo, so here is to a new day….yay!


Melissa's Thoughts said...

First and foremost you are NOT a failure as a mother. You are an amazing mother. Your family minus one, were failures at showing you just how important you are. That doesn't reflect on you but them. I'm sorry your day was not what it should have been.

BARBIE said...

You are NOT a failure at mothering or at life. I am sorry the day was not what you had hoped. Praying that today is much better for you!

TJ said...

Just found your blog. Sorry to hear your day wasn't like the Brady Bunch. There is just too much false advertisement out there. I never had kids of my own but I do have grown step-kids. This was the first time they didn't acknowledge me but that doesn't make me a bad step-mom and neither are you a bad mom. I like your blog - very down to earth. I'll be back.

a writer said...

you are not a failure, my friend. just a piece of advice, try to think the things you like about them, things you like they do. write them down, and read it everytime, especially when you're feeling disgust. try to think of all the funny and wonderful moments with your family. you'll see one day, you're not a failure. :-)

Stacy said...

I can so relate. Mother's Day is the same every year. My husband waits till about midnight the night before to get me something. I am almost always up before everyone else and when my 5 were still little it was me who got up at early dawn with one cleaned the house for me, took me out to brunch, etc....

I have come to learn it is not me with the problem. My parenting is not the problem. People are people and they are not perfect LOL and it stinks big time!!! I bet you are an awesome mommy :) I hope today was better. I know it was for me.


Laina said...

You are not a failure as a mom, though you aren't the first to think that and won't be the last. Teenagers live in their own selfish universe, it's a phase everyone goes through. They still love you, maybe they take you for granted because you've done a good job in letting them know you'll always be there for them. My brother is in that seventeen year old phase. He didn't wish my mom a happy mother's day or get her a gift, he didn't talk to her the whole day and she is the greatest mom in the world in my eyes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts though :)

Melinda said...

Oh, I'm a complete failure as a Mom on more days than I can count! I guess that's what makes the good days so good. lol
And p.s. I've given up on mother's day, my dream day would be for all the ingrates to go away and leave me to run through the house naked if I choose to. (and take the dogs with them)

Miss Behavin said...

My Mother's Day was about like yours!! I've decided that this week I'm going to show them what a horrible mother is! Day two in and they're not quite sure what to do....hahahahaha
Love you girl!!