Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Pity Party Will End

Sorry y’all for the previous post, and the sob story that danced off the tips of my fingers.  When a mama gets her feelings hurt, look out!  I thought I would feel better by putting my frustrations out there for the world to see.  The highlight that I thought would make my day by pulling the mom card, lasted for only a moment, and for a moment I smiled a devilish smile of pure victory but even that was short lived.

It was not until I was directed to this blog and read this post that made me blow out the candle on my pity party.  Many the miles, one foot in front of the other.  That is how I will view the journey of raising a family from now on.  I had a mini complete melt down over one mother’s day out of eighteen mother’s day.  Seventeen out of eighteen is pretty good!!

Today, I realized that the journey is only mine to have for a short while and if I give up, what does that say about me?  What kind of mom would I be if I threw up my hands and quit? (Trust me, I considered it Sunday.)  So here I am with renewed strength, ready to tackle the ever weary years of raising teenagers.   I honestly do not ever think I will miss these days, but I also said the same thing about motherhood with three young children under the age of five, and how I do miss those days.

I am claiming this verse for this season of our lives….

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Galatians 6:9


Laina said...

I did check out that blog post you referenced and it was encouraging to read. Don't be discouraged though, all mom's feel that way at times. It is taxing being a mother and it takes a toll. I am a first time mom to a 21 month old daughter and I'm still figuring out this parenting thing as she enters the terrible two's. I know I've got rough days ahead of me. That only makes you human, to feel spent of it all. We are their example, they depend on us to be their parents and teach them what they need to know. To stick with them and teach them loyalty and faithfulness and neverending love, even when you are not feeling particularly loving. It is making that choice to do what's best for them because motherhood involves sacrifice on our part. And the fact that you have all these emotions about it and spend all this time thinking about it shows how much they mean to you. Life is all about hills and valleys and to get to the good times, you need the bad times to appreciate it all the more. :)

sara said...

oh Patrice, I can so relate. I tell people all the time "now that I have teenagers, I have lowered my expectations for mother's day and therefore am not disappointed" ha!

I am with you, I am not sure I will miss these teenage years...especially since I have one that is through them and our relationship now is amazing (yes, it does happen!!!)

But I love this post and I think I will be claiming that verse too!!!

Penny said...

=) The fact that you're getting through these years gives me hope that I can get through them, too, with God's grace.

Jeanette said...

I finally had a Mother's day that did not involve screaming. I have hidden my bags of chocolate Treasures so that I can enjoy them alone and remember this Mother's day every time I eat one :}

We all have crazy days, dear. Don't make one crazy day, make you feel like a failure!

My M. Perfect World said...

hi! This was a great post. As moms, we can all relate to this. Kids being disrespectful, bickering between siblings, bad attitudes etc. It doesn't seem fair when it should be "our" day (I feel like this also on my birthday)But that is life & like you, I just gotta cherish the moments as they come because as the saying goes, "this too shall pass" Stay positive & leaving it in His hands. :)