Thursday, May 20, 2010

As Always A Day Behind

So have y’all thought I might of fallen off the face of this earth?  Wow, I wish I did!!  HA!  I have been so super busy at this point I am not sure what end is up and is in a serious need of a nap!

Our oldest is graduating from high school in a very short 8 days….YIKES…enough said.

Anyhoo, I am running a day behind in my devotional and it is just too good not to pass on.  I know there are those that struggle on why God has you in certain situations, well at least I do, so I thought this might speak to someone out there like it did to me.

Last night I sat at our kitchen table and just cried.  Bless my husbands heart…there is just no way he can know how I feel.  No matter how much he tries to be there for me, tries to hold my hand and tell me it will all be okay, tells me that certain people that are no longer in my life love me, it does not help.  Sometimes illness, actions, happy times, celebrations, fears and sometimes just the comfort you get calling on those you used to, and now knowing I can’t…it just gets the best of me.  This being said, really I am at peace with the situations I have been given, but sometimes life can get the best of you, and last night, it did.

But then there is God, doing what He does best, knowing what I need the most, just at the right moment.  Here is my devotional this morning, or yesterday’s devotional…cause that’s how I roll, a day behind and a dollar short…just sayin’.

Within Reach Of Your Prayers

If God is for us, who can be against us?  Romans 8:31

The question is not simply, “Who can be against us?”  You could answer that one.  who is against you?  Disease, inflation, corruption, exhaustion.  Calamities confront and fears imprisons.  Were Paul’s question, “Who can be against us?” we could list our foes much easier than we could fight them.  But that is not the question.  The question is, IF GOD IS FOR US, who can be against us?

God is for you.  Your parents may have forgotten you, your teachers may have neglected you, your siblings may be ashamed of you; but within reach of your prayers is the maker of the oceans.  GOD!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I gave you an award today :)

Stacy said...

Any day I have to deal with my Mom is a rough one since the only correspondence we have is through email about my children...I needed to be reminded today that even if she doesn't care about me or want anything to do with me, GOD does :)

XOXO Stacy

al firdaus said...

we can not life without god
my blog

Jeanette said...

Oh darlin', don't think for a minute that your folks have forgotten you! That is Satan doing his work and it doesn't matter what he is doing...God is with you ALWAYS!

Praying especially for you today!