Monday, April 5, 2010

Lost & found!

Funny story about my day, but to my faithful 90 day’ers, I forgot to put the post up!  Please forgive me…Let me explain…

When my alarm went off this morning, I decided to hit the snooze, but when it went off again, I did get up out of the bed.  I walked to the bathroom, turned around and crawled back into my bed.  So I slept later than usual.  Me posting the verses for the 90 day journey did not even enter my thought process.

Today I decided instead of going out to lunch, I would walk instead, so I walked through our churches “back 40” which is a field of about 40 acres into a neighborhood of nothing but cul-de-sacs.  To make a long story short, I got lost.  I never get lost, but this time I got lost, BIG TIME!  So I called home to have my husband Google map my location and get me out.  He wasn't home.

So I called my co-worker, Wes.  He mapped my location and because I was really far off from church he came and rescued me!!  My nice little leisure stroll was long and hot!  During my walk I realized that I did not do my post this morning of the verses which brings me here….I will post them tomorrow!!  If you have joined in on this journey, read what you feel is right today and hopefully you will not be that far behind!  

All I have to say about today, is thank goodness for modern technology, Google maps and of course Wes!  HA!  I was lost, but now I am found!!  Perfect ending for a perfect weekend!


Anonymous said...
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HoodMama said...

Oh, I would totally do that!!! Too funny!