Monday, April 12, 2010

90 Day Bible Journey, Week 11

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy, for what we leave behind is part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another.    -Anatole France

Last week we left behind the Old Testament and entered into the New.  Many of us were thrilled to be at this point—to get past the warnings and failings and harshness and promises—and arrive at the New Testament, where many of the promises and longings of the Old Testament are fulfilled.

If you have read the New Testament in the past without having read much of the Old Testament, you are likely to see the New Testament in a new light during your current reading.  You may find for instance, that some parts of the New Testament seem harsher than you recall, perhaps reflecting less grace even than some parts of the Old Testament.

So, after finishing the Old Testament and just beginning the New, what are some of the differences between the two that you’ve already noticed from your reading?

Here are the verses for the week:

Monday:  Matthew 26:57 through Mark 9:13

Tuesday:  Mark 9:14 through Luke 1:80

Wednesday: Luke 2:1 through Luke 9:62

Thursday: Luke 10:1  through Luke 20:19

Friday:  Luke 20:20 through John 5:47

Saturday:  John 6:1 through  John 15:17

Sunday:  John 15:18  through Acts 6:7


Kris Hughes said...

I'm behind (as always!). Finishing up the last couple books of the OT. I'm actually getting sad about finishing!