Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lovin’ Some Yard Work, Not Lovin’ The Weeds…

Today we went to the nursery and got us some shrubs!!  Last year our goats got out and demolished anything that was (1) a shrub (2) anything that resembled a rosebush and (3) anything that we liked or cared about.  We basically gave up once they destroyed everything.

Today was our day of replacing more of what they ate.  During the fall we planted some and today we tackled the front flower bed.  Before I show you some pictures, please ignore the weeds, grass and anything green….we are in the process of getting that taken care of, but wanted to get the plants in the ground first. 


First, check out my cutie patootie water pump!  We have had this for years, but finally got it up and running again.


Next, I am loving my patio peach tree!!  You can’t see me, but I am smiling!!  I can’t wait for it to start blooming!!


Here are three of 16 bushes that were planted.  I will post pictures of the whole thing, once we get the weeds & grass   outta there….


This picture and the next few are of a rock wall that I am building around a tree and up the drive….

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Of course I had to throw in a couple of pictures of Higgins!!

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He is so Beautiful!!!  Ahem, anyhoo….Do you have any great suggestion on weed control?   We have tried weed mats and everything in between.   This year we are pulling up as much as possible and them placing newspaper down, then either using pea gravel or mulch.  What works best for you??


Anonymous said...
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Weedlover714 said...

huh? is that a plant of some kinda weed plant?